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Flower Knob - Rosie Posie - Large | MacKenzie-Childs
Flower Knob - Rosie Posie - Large | MacKenzie-Childs
Flower Knob - Rosie Posie - Large | MacKenzie-Childs
Flower Knob - Rosie Posie - Large | MacKenzie-Childs
Flower Knob - Rosie Posie - Large | MacKenzie-Childs
Flower Knob - Rosie Posie - Large | MacKenzie-Childs
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A pretty, petite sculpture unto itself, our Rosie Posie Flower Knob is a jubilant tribute to the childlike innocence of a beloved garden game. An outer ring of rainbow balloons frames a center of buttercup polka dots featuring a floral transfer and embellished with gold lustre. Plant a pair on your pantry doors and let this beguiling bloom brighten your breakfast. With fresh yet timeless palettes painted onto silhouettes sculpted with graceful curves, our Rosie Posie Knob mixes and matches wonderfully with other knob patterns to brighten any space with a style all your own.

Flower Knob - Rosie Posie - Large | MacKenzie-Childs

    A pretty, petite sculpture unto itself, our Rosie Posie Flower Knob is a jubilant tribute to the childlike innocence of a beloved garden game. An outer ring of rainbow balloons frames a center of buttercup polka dots featuring a floral transfer and embellished with gold lustre. Plant a pair on your pantry doors and let this beguiling bloom brighten your breakfast. With fresh yet timeless palettes painted onto silhouettes sculpted with graceful curves, our Rosie Posie Knob mixes and matches wonderfully with other knob patterns to brighten any space with a style all your own.

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    • Product Description
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    A pretty, petite sculpture unto itself, our Rosie Posie Flower Knob is a jubilant tribute to the childlike innocence of a beloved garden game. An outer ring of rainbow balloons frames a center of buttercup polka dots featuring a floral transfer and embellished with gold lustre. Plant a pair on your pantry doors and let this beguiling bloom brighten your breakfast. With fresh yet timeless palettes painted onto silhouettes sculpted with graceful curves, our Rosie Posie Knob mixes and matches wonderfully with other knob patterns to brighten any space with a style all your own.

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