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Nuvola Pendant by Studio Italia Design
Nuvola Pendant by Studio Italia Design
Nuvola Pendant by Studio Italia Design
Nuvola Pendant by Studio Italia Design
Nuvola Pendant by Studio Italia Design
Nuvola Pendant by Studio Italia Design
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"And the skies always had little fluffy clouds." - The Orb. With the Studio Italia Design Nuvola Pendant, you too can have little - or very big - fluffy clouds looming on your interior horizon. Constructed from fireproof polyester wadding, these whimsical cloud-like fixtures are illuminated from the inside. Additionally, the medium and large options softly undulate. No, really. An internal motor and two mechanized arms allow your personal puff of fluff to gently rock and roll. Studio Italia Design is based in Italy and is a premier designer and producer of decorative lighting fixtures targeting the high end architectural and designer markets.

Nuvola Pendant by Studio Italia Design

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    "And the skies always had little fluffy clouds." - The Orb. With the Studio Italia Design Nuvola Pendant, you too can have little - or very big - fluffy clouds looming on your interior horizon. Constructed from fireproof polyester wadding, these whimsical cloud-like fixtures are illuminated from the inside. Additionally, the medium and large options softly undulate. No, really. An internal motor and two mechanized arms allow your personal puff of fluff to gently rock and roll. Studio Italia Design is based in Italy and is a premier designer and producer of decorative lighting fixtures targeting the high end architectural and designer markets.

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