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Endless is a 30 x 40 original luscious red abstract painting
Endless is a 30 x 40 original luscious red abstract painting
Endless is a 30 x 40 original luscious red abstract painting
Endless is a 30 x 40 original luscious red abstract painting
Endless is a 30 x 40 original luscious red abstract painting
Endless is a 30 x 40 original luscious red abstract painting
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Endless is an original collaborative acrylic painting. The abstract artwork is created with many, many colors and layers of red, crimson, bronze, gold and black acrylic paint. We use a variety of thicknesses and textures to bring dimension, depth, movement and emotion to the piece. Rich colors and textures emerge thoughtful compositions arise as the painting evolves into being. This painting is meant to create beauty and calm where ever it is placed a portal for the viewer to take time and simply be. It is a 30 x 40 x 1.5 painting on canvas gallery wrapped with edges painted matching the front of the piece and it is ready to hang. It can be hung vertically or horizontally it works compositionally either way...

Endless is a 30 x 40 original luscious red abstract painting
By Casarietti Studio

Currently Not Available

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    Endless is an original collaborative acrylic painting. The abstract artwork is created with many, many colors and layers of red, crimson, bronze, gold and black acrylic paint. We use a variety of thicknesses and textures to bring dimension, depth, movement and emotion to the piece. Rich colors and textures emerge thoughtful compositions arise as the painting evolves into being. This painting is meant to create beauty and calm where ever it is placed a portal for the viewer to take time and simply be. It is a 30 x 40 x 1.5 painting on canvas gallery wrapped with edges painted matching the front of the piece and it is ready to hang. It can be hung vertically or horizontally it works compositionally either way...

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