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Brightly Painted Tie-Dye Peace Dove Wooden Slat Wall Hanging
Brightly Painted Tie-Dye Peace Dove Wooden Slat Wall Hanging
Brightly Painted Tie-Dye Peace Dove Wooden Slat Wall Hanging
Brightly Painted Tie-Dye Peace Dove Wooden Slat Wall Hanging
Brightly Painted Tie-Dye Peace Dove Wooden Slat Wall Hanging
Brightly Painted Tie-Dye Peace Dove Wooden Slat Wall Hanging
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This brightly painted wooden (medium density fiberboard) slat wall hanging is a great addition to the home, office, or garage of current or past hippies. It measures 20 inches tall, 16 inches wide, and features a pink peace symbol with a pair of doves, against a tie-dye background, with the word Peace in a psychedelic font printed right side up at the top and upside down at the bottom. It has a wire hanger on the back, and can hang with one or two nails or picture hangers. It makes a great gift, and is sure to be admired.

Brightly Painted Tie-Dye Peace Dove Wooden Slat Wall Hanging

    This brightly painted wooden (medium density fiberboard) slat wall hanging is a great addition to the home, office, or garage of current or past hippies. It measures 20 inches tall, 16 inches wide, and features a pink peace symbol with a pair of doves, against a tie-dye background, with the word Peace in a psychedelic font printed right side up at the top and upside down at the bottom. It has a wire hanger on the back, and can hang with one or two nails or picture hangers. It makes a great gift, and is sure to be admired.

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    This brightly painted wooden (medium density fiberboard) slat wall hanging is a great addition to the home, office, or garage of current or past hippies. It measures 20 inches tall, 16 inches wide, and features a pink peace symbol with a pair of doves, against a tie-dye background, with the word Peace in a psychedelic font printed right side up at the top and upside down at the bottom. It has a wire hanger on the back, and can hang with one or two nails or picture hangers. It makes a great gift, and is sure to be admired.

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