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Vinotemp - 46-Bottle Dual-Zone Wine Cooler (Opens to the right)
Vinotemp - 46-Bottle Dual-Zone Wine Cooler (Opens to the right)
Vinotemp - 46-Bottle Dual-Zone Wine Cooler (Opens to the right)
Vinotemp - 46-Bottle Dual-Zone Wine Cooler (Opens to the right)
Vinotemp - 46-Bottle Dual-Zone Wine Cooler (Opens to the right)
Vinotemp - 46-Bottle Dual-Zone Wine Cooler (Opens to the right)
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This 46 bottle dual zone touch screen wine cooler is convenient, easy to use and will keep your wines properly stored so they‘ll be ready for any occasion. A digital controller with blue LED readout allows you to set the VT-46TS-2Z at two different temperatures, one temperature for your reds and one for your whites. Our distinctive black rack is a patent pending Vinotemp design exclusive.
These pull-out wire shelves make organizing your bottles an easy task. The wine cooler‘s black exterior, frame-less cabinet, and seamless dual paned glass door with recessed handle will fit nicely with just about any decor. With a front exhaust, this cooler can be a built-in or freestanding unit.

Vinotemp - 46-Bottle Dual-Zone Wine Cooler (Opens to the right)

    This 46 bottle dual zone touch screen wine cooler is convenient, easy to use and will keep your wines properly stored so they‘ll be ready for any occasion. A digital controller with blue LED readout allows you to set the VT-46TS-2Z at two different temperatures, one temperature for your reds and one for your whites. Our distinctive black rack is a patent pending Vinotemp design exclusive.
    These pull-out wire shelves make organizing your bottles an easy task. The wine cooler‘s black exterior, frame-less cabinet, and seamless dual paned glass door with recessed handle will fit nicely with just about any decor. With a front exhaust, this cooler can be a built-in or freestanding unit.

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    • Product Description
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    This 46 bottle dual zone touch screen wine cooler is convenient, easy to use and will keep your wines properly stored so they‘ll be ready for any occasion. A digital controller with blue LED readout allows you to set the VT-46TS-2Z at two different temperatures, one temperature for your reds and one for your whites. Our distinctive black rack is a patent pending Vinotemp design exclusive.
    These pull-out wire shelves make organizing your bottles an easy task. The wine cooler‘s black exterior, frame-less cabinet, and seamless dual paned glass door with recessed handle will fit nicely with just about any decor. With a front exhaust, this cooler can be a built-in or freestanding unit.

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