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Inspiration for a timeless master carpeted bedroom remodel in Los Angeles with beige walls
Talianko Design Group, LLC
Talianko Design Group, LLC
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars102 ReviewsView Profile

Transitional Master Bedroom

Traditional Bedroom, Los Angeles

A master bedroom with an ocean inspired, upscale hotel atmosphere. The soft blues, creams and dark woods give the impression of luxury and calm. Soft sheers on a rustic iron rod hang over woven grass shades and gently filter light into the room. Rich painted wood panel molding helps to anchor the space. A reading area adorns the bay window and the antique tray table offers a worn nautical motif. Brass fixtures and the rough hewn dresser remind one of the sea. Artwork and accessories also lend a coastal feeling.

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Questions About This Photo (57)

melissa67melissa67 wrote:December 27, 2010
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Kristy Woodson Harvey and Beth Woodson added this to Evoke Laid-Back Style With Bamboo Curtain RodsJune 20, 2012

The bedroom is certainly an important place to have privacy from the outside world. Unfortunately, working draperies...

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Lauren O'Brien added this to Bedrooms2 days ago

small window over headboard plus two chairs to side