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Local Artists in Portland

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Portland / 50 mi
115 of 489 professionals
489 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Local Artists in Portland

Bravura Finishes, LLC
Local Artists in Portland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsOctober 2, 2013
“I have worked with Karen and Shaun for 20 years, they are creative, highly professional and exceptional at their craft. They can come up with answers and ideas for any complicated application. Clients love them and I trust them completely and refer them without hesitation. Their understanding of color, texture and nuance makes my job so much easier as a designer to get the desired finished product for our clients.”
Aztec Artistic Productions
Local Artists in Portland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsApril 28, 2013
“A rare combination of art, function, creative, honest. Qualities hard to find in this day and age. Aztec has produced several pieces of furniture and fountains for me both in my office and home. If I had a nickel for every time someone compliments and asks about the work,,,,,,,,well I'd have a lot of nickels”
Carrie Moore Studios
Local Artists in Portland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsFebruary 17, 2023
“Excellent artist, very creative. She is great with colors and her painting are bright like her personality. Her graphic background shows in her current works.”
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