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Eco Friendly Furnture and Lighting
Eco Friendly Furnture and Lighting
Eco Friendly Furnture and Lighting
Eco Friendly Furnture and Lighting
Eco Friendly Furnture and Lighting
Eco Friendly Furnture and Lighting
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Elegant and wiggly shapes for this armchair that reminds of the wrapping corsets worn by XVII century ladies. It is composed of a recycled rigid steel body embracing a huge pillow made of feather. In terms of shape, it expresses the sensibility and taste of a fashion object because it lends itself to endless changes and interpretations. The ergonomics unite perfectly with the small size, ideal for modern houses where the furnishings have to express and colour the environment without invading it.

Eco Friendly Furnture and Lighting

    Elegant and wiggly shapes for this armchair that reminds of the wrapping corsets worn by XVII century ladies. It is composed of a recycled rigid steel body embracing a huge pillow made of feather. In terms of shape, it expresses the sensibility and taste of a fashion object because it lends itself to endless changes and interpretations. The ergonomics unite perfectly with the small size, ideal for modern houses where the furnishings have to express and colour the environment without invading it.

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    Elegant and wiggly shapes for this armchair that reminds of the wrapping corsets worn by XVII century ladies. It is composed of a recycled rigid steel body embracing a huge pillow made of feather. In terms of shape, it expresses the sensibility and taste of a fashion object because it lends itself to endless changes and interpretations. The ergonomics unite perfectly with the small size, ideal for modern houses where the furnishings have to express and colour the environment without invading it.

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