Gardening Guides
Central Plains Gardening
Great Design Plant: Sedum (Stonecrop)
Terrific at filling gaps and in a wide range of colors and shapes, sedum is a problem solver in the garden
Bring the vivid shades of summer into the garden with sedum. Prolific blooms earn notice in summer months, but bold evergreen foliage solidifies this diverse genus of succulents as year-round eye catchers in the garden. Choose from fluorescent fleshy ground covers or dusty upright shrubs to fill and cover garden nooks or even just as an accent.
Distinguishing traits. Sedums are all about color. And while vivid shades of blue, green and even pink are typical of succulents, I feel like the the color paired with the more herbaceous texture creates a memorable plant. With more than 400 species of sedum to choose from, a wide variety of color, size and leaf shapes exist. Whether you choose larger, more upright varieties similar to the one shown here ...
Shown here: Sedum 'Thunderhead', zones 4 to 10
Shown here: Sedum 'Thunderhead', zones 4 to 10
... or smaller, trailing species, sedums solve garden dilemmas on multiple fronts.
Sedums are also known for their flowers. They typically flower from late spring through fall and persist on the plant for a while. Borne on large terminal clusters are vivid pink, white, yellow and even red petite flowers.
Shown here: Sedum 'Herbstfreude', zones 3 to 10
Shown here: Sedum 'Herbstfreude', zones 3 to 10
How to use it. Use larger, erect varieties of sedum to line paths or edge planting beds. Their preference for sandy soils makes them suitable for rock gardens. Feel free to cut a few stems and bring them inside for a seasonal bouquet.
Smaller, trailing sedums are commonly used as ground covers. While they don’t spread extensively, they will attractively cover small areas of rock gardens, adding colorful and unusual texture to a gravel path or patio. Sedums are also used on green roofs.
Shown here: Sedum acre, zones 3 to 8
Shown here: Sedum acre, zones 3 to 8
If your climate, soil or simple lack of outdoor space prevents you from incorporating sedums into your garden design, why not do something similar to what Debora Carl has done here? Low-growing sedums cascade nicely in indoor planters, making excellent gifts or dining table centerpieces.
Shown here: Sedum 'Angelina', zones 3 to 10
Shown here: Sedum 'Angelina', zones 3 to 10
Planting notes. Plant in gritty, well-drained soil that's been tilled, and add compost before planting. Grow sedum in full sun to partial shade, depending on the species. Provide moderate additional water if summers are dry. Otherwise, sedums require minimal watering and are tolerant of dry soil. They propagate easily through cuttings and should be planted in late spring or early summer. While sedums do not tolerate any foot traffic, even as ground covers, they are resilient and otherwise will grow on their own. Divide every few years to spread your sedums throughout your garden or even share with your friends!
Shown here: Sedum 'Thunderhead', zones 4 to 10
See more great design plants
Shown here: Sedum 'Thunderhead', zones 4 to 10
See more great design plants
Common name: Stonecrop
USDA zones: 3 to 8, depending on species (find your zone)
Water requirement: Little to moderate
Light requirement: Full sun to partial shade
Mature size: 2 to 36 inches tall, depending on species
Benefits and tolerances: Flowers attract birds and butterflies; drought tolerant; deer tolerant where noted
Seasonal interest: Blooms summer to fall; unique evergreen foliage
When to plant: Plant cuttings in early summer; divide in spring
Shown here: Sedum ‘Birthday Party’, zones 4 to 10