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Elegant kitchen photo in Cleveland with stainless steel appliances, a farmhouse sink, white backsplash, raised-panel cabinets, white cabinets and marble backsplash
House of L
House of L
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars78 ReviewsView Profile

Classic White Kitchen

Traditional Kitchen, Cleveland

In the design stages many details were incorporated in this classic kitchen to give it dimension since the surround cabinets, counters and backsplash were white. Polished nickel plumbing, hardware and custom grilles on feature cabinets along with the island pendants add shine, while finer details such as inset doors, furniture kicks on non-working areas and lofty crown details add a layering effect in the millwork. Photo by Pete Maric.

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Questions About This Photo (120)

leicsterleicster wrote:May 2, 2012
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Laura Gaskill added this to Outfit a Southern Plantation-Style Home — Paint to Porch FurnishingsMay 8, 2013

"Traditional," "classic" and "quietly luxurious" would be good descriptors to keep in mind when designing your...

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Cierra Harnisch added this to cierra's Ideas15 hours ago
