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Cat Supplies

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Every cat owner knows their feline is the king or queen of the household, so it’s only natural that they expect their subjects — er, owners — to supply the very best in accessories, toys and supplies. While this "cattitude" may seem spoiled, high-quality supplies encourage cats to play, and activity is a necessity for your kitty's good health. Keep your cats happy and purring with carefully chosen cat supplies (and a stockpile of catnip)!

Encourage good behavior with a scratching post.

First and perhaps most important if you have furniture you’d like to protect, you’ll want a cat scratching post. When strategically placed, these will help redirect your cat’s natural instinct to scratch away from your couch, chair or carpet. Try cardboard for a cheaper solution, or sisal for a more permanent one. If your kitty enjoys scratching your carpet, you may want to refrain from grabbing a carpeted post as the difference between your floor and the post may be confusing to your cat. Don’t be afraid to add multiple scratchers around your home, and position them where your furry friend enjoys scratching items you’d rather not have sporting claw marks.

Create a feline jungle gym with a cat tree.

Cats love to climb, jump and perch, so why not encourage these fun, exciting antics with cat trees? If you have more than one cat, these are also important in reinforcing a harmonious feline social structure. Cats of a higher status will aim for the highest perch, while the lower-ranking kitty will be content to stay at the bottom. If you own a dog or have small children, a cat tree is also a perfect way for kitty to stay safely out of reach, thereby reducing their stress.

Add a cozy cat house and cat bed.

Did you know that the reason your cat is so enthralled with boxes is based on their natural instincts? Enclosed spaces like boxes and cat houses allow them to hide from predators and stalk prey. They’re also super cozy and provide a safe place to sleep. Similarly, a cat bed offers a great deal of comfort, and many styles can be placed next to kitty’s favorite window or even tied underneath a chair as a kind of cat hammock.

Encourage playtime and exercise with cat toys.

It’s important to keep your kitty stimulated. Even if your cat wanders outdoors, they need to engage in play in order to stay healthy and happy. It can be easy for kitties to become bored, so why not entertain them with a fishing pole with feathers attached, a catnip-filled ball or even a laser toy. It can be as much fun for you as it is for your kitty to play together, but if you find you’re too busy there are toys that cats can play with by themselves. Just don’t use this as an excuse to never play with your cat, you’ll really be missing out.

Don’t forget the most important cat furniture: the litter box.

A litter box is perhaps one of the most important accessories you should have on hand for your kitty. While all cat litter boxes may look alike, they aren’t to your cat. Make sure you choose the right size — if you have more than one cat at home you might even consider having multiple litter boxes on hand. Your kitty should easily be able to turn around inside the box, as well as easily get in and out of it. It’s also generally recommended to avoid a covered box. If that makes you wrinkle your nose at the thought of particularly pungent odors, keep in mind that cats have a sense of smell that’s 14 times stronger than ours. Imagine having to do your business cooped up in a tiny bathroom area with that sense of smell! A cover can also make it harder to tell when the box needs cleaning, and could even deter your cat from using it altogether.