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Trash and Recycling

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Garbage may not be the cleanest topic, but that doesn’t mean shopping for Trash and Recycling Bins has to be a mess. With plenty of receptacles available to choose from, you shouldn’t settle for the first thing you see. Different models are made for certain types of waste, and if you aren’t careful, misusing them can mean extra cleanup. Follow this advice to find the trash and recycling products that make sense for your home.

Think about what will go inside your trash and recycling containers.

Will it be small crumpled notes or messy food-soiled packaging? If you’re planning on throwing away dry waste, such as tags from clothing or small packaging materials, a woven or mesh waste basket will suffice. If it’s anything wet, like most things thrown away in bathrooms and kitchens, a solid trash can that won’t leak will be your best bet. If you toss a lot of cans, bottles, cardboard or plastic, consider purchasing a set of recycling bins so you can do your part to save the planet.

Consider where you will keep your trash and recycling bins.

Will it be out in the open or tucked away under a sink? Will it be indoors or outdoors? Answering these questions will help you determine the maximum height and width of your waste containers, as well as potential materials. Be aware that if you want a hands-free, step trash can, it will hard to stash underneath anything since the top needs to pop open without obstruction. For curbside garbage cans, you will likely need something that holds a larger volume and is made of thick, sturdy materials. A model with wheels will also be handy if you store your bins far away from where they are collected on trash day.

Browse our trash and recycling section to find the products you love.