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Coffee and Tea Products

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Caffeine — what would we do without it? Whether you're a coffee or a tea drinker (or both!), your coffee machine and/or kettle plays a crucial role in your morning routine. Brewing your beverage of choice is more fun than ever these days with the wide variety of tools and products to choose from, including coffee makers, grinders, kettles and more. Here are some tips to help you rethink your favorite machine — and your morning routine.

What size coffee machine works best for me?

The first step is to think about size. If you enjoy only one cup o’ jo, a personal percolator, Keurig or espresso machine will be the best way to get your single serving while saving time and dishes. If you live in a household where multiple people need their morning caffeine fix, then an automated coffee maker that can brew eight to 12 cups at a time might be a good investment. That way you can wake up to a warm cup that will immediately give you that much-needed jolt.

What kind of tea kettle should I buy?

Brewing tea is a different matter. The best way to brew your tea depends mostly on whether you prefer to use bags or loose leaf tea. There are some great tea kettles with a loose leaf tea bin built right in, which allows you to brew your cup to perfection. For many, convenience is key. An electric kettle is fast and requires just a flip of a switch or the push of a button, though they are often more expensive than standard kettles. Stovetop kettles are more affordable and look great on your stove, but they take a little more time to heat up.

How much should I expect to spend on coffee machines?

Prices vary quite substantially, depending on what you want to get out of them. A high-end espresso machine can cost upwards of $2,000, while a simple tea kettle or French press can be less than $50. Before setting down a few grand for the most expensive model, think about your preferred beverage and whether or not your prospective machine makes it to the style and quality you desire.

Fulfill your caffeine fix with a new coffee maker or tea kettle. Find a wide selection here on Houzz.

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