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House Painters & Painting Companies in Newark

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Featured Reviews for House Painters & Painting Companies in Newark

Hudson Paint Contracting & Refinishing by Hudson
House Painters & Painting Companies in Newark
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsJune 11, 2020
“Very professional. Did excellent work. My house looks brand new after they were done. I would definitely recommend them to anybody who asks me”
Princeton Painting and Trim by Ori Avisar
House Painters & Painting Companies in Newark
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsDecember 18, 2014
“I would recommend Ori and his entire team to anyone who is interested in getting molding and paint job done in their house. They were so punctual everyday and left the house clean each evening. Very friendly and respectful team. Everyone who walks into my house adores the work done by Ori! He completely transformed my house and did a phenomenal job.”
Venetian Plaster Painting
House Painters & Painting Companies in Newark
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsFebruary 20, 2017
“Having more than 20 years experience, Mr. Nicola is very knowledgeable and has very high standards in making sure the job is well done. ....clean, professional and a true artist....highly recommended.”
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