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House Painters & Painting Companies in San Francisco

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San Francisco / 50 mi
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840 Professionals

Featured Reviews for House Painters & Painting Companies in San Francisco

Level Five Design
House Painters & Painting Companies in San Francisco
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsNovember 9, 2012
“ This link will show the Venetian plaster installation Level Five Design completed at my Montecito home, in one week. It transformed a narrow, nearly 30' wall into an organic art piece. The highly reflective wax finish created the illusion of width and movement, and achieved our original goals. Rye and his staff--with whom I have worked for several years in different locales and am now planning to use for all interior finishes on my home under construction in Arizona--are always on time, careful of all spaces, respectful of my needs for quiet and willing to work around my enthusiastic pets. They have installed clay ceiling finishes, concrete countertops, Japanese plaster, JaDecor fabric finishes, exterior tints and combed plaster and even tinted existing decks and roof tiles! Rye is a master color and texture expert, and always finds the most ecofriendly materials to utilize. Plus, he always leaves behind repair kits for my art moves. I cannot imagine working with anyone else!”
Chroma Colors, Inc.
House Painters & Painting Companies in San Francisco
Average rating: 5 out of 5 starsDecember 18, 2015
“I have hired Michael Clementi of Chroma Colors multiple times to paint my home. I have relied on him and used him to help me choose colors, and have nothing but the highest regard for his choices and also for the meticulous work of his employees. I love the guys that work for him. They are honest, hardworking, talented, competent and dependable. I give his company my highest recommendation. Madeline Sheron”
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