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Starting stored tuberous begonas in pots

Last fall I brought in all my tuberous begonias that were planted in pots and put them in the cool basement windows. They were interplanted with annuals but I figured those would die, and the begonias would be dormant under the soil. I started out watering with good intentions but gradually stopped. (It's the basement, have to carry water down. Sooner or later I forget they're there.) Now everything looks dead. My mother used to store hers every winter in the basement, but I don't remember any details.

Do you think the begonias are alive under the dirt? Is it worth while starting to water again?

When I planted these outside in their pots last May, they took so long to sprout I thought they were duds. That's partly why annuals were planted over them. So if starting earlier gets me bloom, I'll try it. How do I tell if these are dead?

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