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Lily bulbs to keep the daylilies company

15 years ago

I have daylily bed sections that are just daylilies but then there are the sections with other things. One of my favorite things to plant near the daylilies are bulb lillies.

Last year I bought about 400 bulb lillies from Van Bourgondien's. I planted them mostly (did have afew leftovers put in some spots in the garden) in two big mass plantings by digging 2 large long trenches, one in the front yard and one in the back that got 4 rows of lilies each. They bloomed and looked so great, I couldn't believe it. I know some people said they had bad luck with this company but I have ordered many times from them and always have been very pleased with great quality.

That was only the start as I plan to put in more lilies in various places but its going to be a multi year project as I just can not plant everything I want to do all in one year. Last year I know I spent lots of bucks and this year again over $400.00. I did save some money because if you spend over $250.00 you get free shipping. I got free shipping last year too and I remember when the order came there were 5 really big boxes.

Only about 178 various bulb lilies this time but mainly more expense types so the cash outlay is gone again. I have only one mass trench planned this time with about 100 blubs or more planned for it. Probably make it a two row deal instead of 4 rows in last years efforts. I can also add more rows if needed another time.

Then there are two garden sections that I planted daylilies in last spring that I wanted to put lily bulbs in between but no time last spring. I will start that plant lily bulbs between the daylilies project this year. Other planned mass trench plantings will have to wait until next year.

I also got some Gladiolus and lots of some new (at least to me) gami glads which are half the height of the big ones.

Comments (51)

  • organic_kitten
    15 years ago

    Well, what can I say,Rita? I got Iris fever at the same time as I got hit with daylily fever last year. I also found the dark purple Dutch iris I had wanted for several years and they have been stunning! I did plant some lilies last year, but nothing like the quantity you planted. They have sent up blooms, and I hope the anticipated freeze doesn't get them.

    My azaleas and Chinese viburnums are blooming now, and we will put fans on the azaleas in an effort to save them tonight.

    I also bought clematis last year, and a good many of them have blooms. I'll post a few pictures later.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    I think we both went overboard crazy on our gardens last year. I sure know that it will be worth it this year, though.

    My idea and plan is to plant many, many bulb lilies and also spring bulbs like daffs in between the daylilies. I just could not get to doing any more last fall so I left it. Means I will be doing an aweful lot this fall because I know what I want it to look like.

    I also bought clematis two years ago and planted it on one of those tall round obelisk things. What I did to extend the bloom time is plant more than one vine on it. It starts out with the earlier white, then changes to purple and white flowers both and ends with the purple ones blooming alone. Makes for a long bloom time and I really like the effect.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Last year I ordered the lily bulbs and they came at the end of April. I had trenches dug and was ready for them for three weeks before they arrived. It was driving me nuts as I needed to get them in the ground so I could shovel the dirt back and get more things done.

    This year I was expecting the same thing but noooooo....
    I just got an e-mail notice that the lily order has shipped today. Yikes. I was already way behind were I need to be as not getting my daylily moving done due to rain and cold. Now I am going to have to get out and dig that big trench this week that I intend to put most of the bulbs in. Ugg!

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Just got home from doing errands today and the bulbs came already. That was fast. I pushed the box inside because it was out on the porch but I have not even opened it yet. Its cold and damp today again so since it was not a great day for working in the garden, I decided to make it the run errands day. Will have to get to unpacking the lillies later as I now have lots of work (pays the bills) came in on my computer to get done today.

  • Cindy zone 6a
    15 years ago

    Rita, Your flowers are going to be stunning, I also love the bulb lillies, but I don't have near what you are planting. I take it that you have, and ordered several different types, asiatic, oriental, etc. in order to get extended blooming. I like the trench idea. (hmmm, has me thinking) Isn't that something how the orders can arrive so quickly. It's like they had it ready before you even decided to order. HA. You will absolutely have to post the pictures on this forum, dont' take it to the bulb forum, share with us.!!!! :o)


  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    I do have different types. The biggest trench from last year was dug the length of the third terrace in my backyard. Then I put 4 rows of lilies in it. Back row Spotted Orientals bloomed last. Third Row Tango lilies which are just stunning bloomed just before the orientals and at the same time as a row of CLASIC EDGE daylilies planted behind the lily grouping. Then I had solid color Asiatics in front which were the early bloomers.

    The front yard trench had two rows of spotted orientals in the back and two rows of solid color asitics in front. Also looked stunning in bloom.

    Thats why I got some trumpet lilies this year, I do not have any yet. I also got these trumpet hybrids that have usual patterns and an open trumpet shape plus grow really tall. They call them Giant Hybrid lilies. And a bunch of other fancier lilies for this year.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Well, I have been unpacking them and starting on a sketch for the order in which I am going to plant. As usual, lovely bulbs that should grow well and put on quite the summer display for my garden. The plantings I have planned surely will look nice but I can tell you that I need hundreds more for what I have planned to do.

    Plans started with the new beds and redone beds in fall of 2007. Then I got the daylilies planted in those beds this past spring. This years plans are to start with adding more bulb lillies, some siberian iris and spring flowering bulbs this fall. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if I will ever get finished.

    I spent a lot this spring because I got fancier types and also trumpet and trumpet hybrid lillies. Cost more than the asiatic and oriental lily bulbs I got last year. So I spent about the same but have about half the amount of bulbs.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    I just dragged myself in from the garden and planting 141 lily bulbs and moving two daylilies. There is still plenty of daylight left and its a nice day but I can't do anymore right now.

    I decided to add the trumpet lillies to the lily rows upstairs but the only trouble with that is that I also wanted them in the original spot I got them for. Sooo.. the only solution, order more bulbs. Which I just did. Since I was ordering I added afew more planned to go in the second row of the planter box in the front yard between the second row of (not there yet) daylilies. I have the bulbs for there but decided I needed afew more as I miscounted and would have had to do groupings of 2 instead of groupings of 3 which I would rather do. Those are going to be groupings of Asiatics.

    Then I added some dwarf oriental lilies to go in that same planter box in the front between the first row of daylilies (again not there yet) as the plan for that garden is coming together.

  • floota
    15 years ago

    Rita, Your garden sounds wonderful but all the things you are planting leaves me very curious. How big is your garden? How much space do you allow for your daylilies?
    Just wondering!

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Not big enough. I plant close together and that goes for my shrubs and roses as well as daylilies. Shrubs and roses get heavily prunned each spring if they get too big. Daylilies will just have to be divided. Paths are very small. I could NEVER be a display garden because access to the bed sections is very limited.

  • tarheelbelle
    15 years ago

    Rita your plans sound wonderful. Do you have any pictures of your bulb lilies blooming from last year? I'd love to see how they look with the daylilies.

  • alina_1
    15 years ago

    400 bulbs from Van Bourgondien, wow!!! I got about 20 Lily bulbs from them. Only 3 were good quality bulbs. The rest of them were so bad compared to bulbs I received from reputable Lily sellers... Lucky you, Rita! Glad you got viable bulbs. I will never order from them again.

    I am also combining Lilies and DLs in my garden. I started from the opposite side though: I had all kinds of Lilies in my garden before I added DLs to them last year :o)

    Hope the combination will be exciting. Please do post your pictures of this combo!

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    I do have some pictures from last year, will have to go look and post some.

    I have seen people complain about VanBourgondien before but I have bought from them many times and have always been very pleased with my bulbs.

    Just what was wrong with the bulbs and how did they differ from ones from other sources? Myself, I have only brought from VB or locally now for years but since the bulbs look good and grow I can't see that there could possibly be anything wrong with them.

  • alina_1
    15 years ago

    Small, extremely dehydrated, without fresh roots. In fact, only those 3 survived. And even those 3 were very small compared to bulbs I received from professional Lilly sellers. The VB customer service representative was very rude. I ended up with my money lost. I order hundreds of plants online. My experience with VB was the worst. I placed my order with them when I was a newbie with Lilies and did not know about other wonderful vendors.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Wow, sorry to hear that. I find that the bulb size varies with VB, but that the size is consistant in the bag. Honestly, I plant the lillies in masses and no way could afford prices for mass plantings at the prices I see at some big name lilly sites. I do use the VB wholesale catalog.

    However, I have been wanting to start to add lillies in my driveway side daylily garden (just put three groupings in yesterday from my VB bulbs)

    So I ordered from some from B&D liliies that have large bulbs and a great reputation. I got 12 bulbs, 3 each of Triumphator (Longiflorum-Oriental), Red Alert (Fragrant Asiatic), Bonbini (Orienpet), and 'My Precious' Orienpet). Thats 12 bulbs and they cost me $75.00 plus shipping. No way could I be filling trenches for mass displays and buying hundreds of bulbs at those prices.

    Here is a link that might be useful: B&D LILLIES

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    I also ordered 3 more Trumpet lillies African Queen and 4 Silk Road Orienpet Lillies. Those Silk Roads were 12.95 apiece. Outch. But I just saw them and went nuts over them so I ordered.

    Here is a link that might be useful: White Flower Farms

  • alina_1
    15 years ago

    Yes, B&D is not a cheap company. Also, I received a couple of virus infected varieties from them. Bob and Deanna are wonderful people to deal with. They refunded money without any problem. Check out the foliage and blooms carefully and report to B&D if you will find signs of virus infection.
    As for the price, here are a couple of hints.

    First, Brent&Becky's has 50% off sales twice a year. Their selection is limited, but bulbs are superb. They sell in quantities of 5, so that would work for your mass planting. Very low shipping cost.

    One of the best bulbs' suppliers John Scheepers has a sister wholesale company Van Engelen - great prices and very high quality. They also have sales, but at the time of sale the best varieties are gone.

    For really big quantities check out this site.

    I just placed my order at this new web site. Prices and selection are very appealing. Did not receive my order yet; hope the quality will be good.
    And, believe it or not, the best quality/price ratio I found was at Costco. The key is to buy Costco Lilies early, in February or early March. Super huge and fresh bulbs and fantastic price. Downside - some of them are mislabeled.
    Sam's club also has good quality Lilies, but they are much smaller than Costco's.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    What virus? I do not know anything about a lilly virus. If you get an infected bulb does the virus spread to the other lilies? Oh, boy more to worry about. Ingorance was bliss :-((

  • floota
    15 years ago

    Rita, I'd just caution you to give your Orienpets some space. This clump below started as one bulb. 4 or 5 years later, it was about 15 huge stalks and as many bulbs when I dug. They will increase fairly quickly and need some room!

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Alina- Thanks. I will bookmark those lily bulb sites.

    Julie C- Thats stunning and exactly what I want my orienpets to look like. I am going to be planting the four Silk Road orientpets as 1 bulb apiece unlke the way I normally do things.

    I do not mind if the bulbs increase. I have found it to be very easy to move lily bulbs. In fact, I do it in the spring after they are about 3-4 inches tall. I never have any problems and they just keep growing like they never noticed being moved. Of course, you need to water the moved ones until they get settled.

    Plus I never had orienpets before.

  • floota
    15 years ago

    This clump was SILK ROAD. When I lifted it last fall, it had not made as many bulbs as the clumps of other Orienpets, but the bulbs it had made were huge,about 8" diameter each. I kept one of those and sold the others. It is wonderfully fragrant too.


  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Absolutely stunning. I have never seen a lily bulb lager than about 2-3 inches.

  • alina_1
    15 years ago

    Do not worry too much - virus is not common among Lilies. I've only seen it twice (I have 60+ varieties of Lilies, 300+ bulbs). Other Lilies in your garden can be contaminated via Aphids and other insects, but it takes some time. There is no cure for the infected Lilies, so they should be destroyed.

    Here are the pictures of infected 'Scalini' and 'Purple King' OT Lilies I received from B&D. The 'mosaic' pattern is the sign of Lily virus. The foliage also has this pattern.



    Julie, what a wonderful Lilies! Is the first one ÂScheherazade ?

    BTW Rita, 'Triumphator' multiplies like a healthy rabbit for me! Fantastic Lily.

  • floota
    15 years ago

    Yes, the first one is SCHEREZADE. Good eye! I forgot to ID it.

  • Cindy zone 6a
    15 years ago

    Oh, So it's raining out, I'm looking at the great pics and reading this thread, So OF COURSE I went to B & D and ordered some lillies. I love the Tango series, had to get just a few for the bed I'm getting ready (almost done) but no working on it today!! Then I see the VIRUS, didn't know about it either. Alina, did they do anything like refund or replacement on your bulbs that had the virus? Guess it really doesn't matter, seems like it is rare, and I have some nice lillies coming very soon for the new bed, now I have to rearrange the 'plan' just a little for the new additions. I usually order from Vanengelen, but they basically do just fall shipping, and seem to be mainly tulip and daffodils, some lillies, but not the variety I see with these other companies. So this is a good thing. I just need to stay away from this computer!!!

    Cindy (still raining like crazy in Ohio)

  • Cindy zone 6a
    15 years ago

    Oh, I see it now, they did refund your money (WHEW) I just can't remember what I read from one minute to the next. So lets see what else I can order now? or did I promise myself to stay away from this computer, I can't remember!!!!!!

  • alina_1
    15 years ago

    Cindy, they did refund my money. In fact, the virus was not their fault: they got these varieties from their Holland vendor. It is a very reliable company. Both Bob and Dianne are very helpful and honest. Bob talked me out of ordering some of the varieties which were poor performers for them. They are a little expensive for me, so I ordered many bulbs from that new site this year (see the link in my previous post). They have fantastic selection.

    Julie, I guess I do have a good eye: the name 'Scheherezade' has one more 'he' in it (not SCHEREZADE) :o)))

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    I have my second order of the spring from VB Wholesale on its way, they shipped out Friday. I have some more JACQUELINE lilies coming to finish up a planting in the front. I also got some short orientals to put out in the front yard. Plus I bought another of their 5 types of trumpet lilies collection. I already have one of that trumpet collection planted and wanted another for a spot in the front yard.

    It is funny that since being turned on to sources like The Lily Garden and B&D lillies for spring, I still very much like VB Wholesale. For a different reason, as the Orienpets and trimpet hybrids at those two mentioned are a much better selection than at VB but I do love to plant in masses and they have lots of great selection for that.

    There are going to be many lilies in amoung the daylilies this year but its only the begining. This is just the start.

  • buyorsell888
    15 years ago

    I love lilies! Newyorkrita, Please post pics when all those lilies bloom. Glad to know they combine well with daylilies.

    I had trouble with bagged lilies from Costco not being true to name. I got cream Asiatics in one bag that were supposed to be all Orientals.

    Had the same thing happen when I bought packaged Regale lilies locally, twice. Still don't have Regales....

  • ladylovingdove
    15 years ago

    Well thanks to you and your link Rita, I went to B&D and ordered 8 bulbs, 2 of each. I love lilies also but Asiatics seem to do better for me. Some seem to need more cold than I get here. So I just got enough to see how they do for me. Last year I got Orange Art and LOVED it, this year it has come back and is covered with lots of buds. So I ordered two more of it LOL. Not much space here since I have so many daylilies and irises. Anyway thanks for the link.


  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    I will be posting lots of pictures starting when the lilies bloom in mid june for the asiatics. Orientals afterward in July and then trumpet types (all new this year) late july and august they said.

    I love to combine lilies in my rose beds and this spring gettiing them in with the daylilies too.

    Dot- Glad to be able to point you in the right direction for more lilies. This year I have gotten the lillies and iris crazies like crazy and just keep buying those lilies.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Added more lilies today. I had ordered 25 Red Alert Asiatics and 25 Black Out Asiatics and they arrived today. Put a row of the 25 Red Alerts in back of the row of FANCY FACE daylilies that I have planted along the nearest to the garage part of my driveway side garden. Then I put the row of Black Out Lily bulbs in back of my row of Wineberry Candy daylilies which are in a garden in back of my garage.

    Both of these lilies are red. I plan to put a row of white Centerfold asiatics in back of the Black Out lilies between the Daylilies and the clumps of Sedum. But I ordered those Centerfold lilies last night and obviously, I don't have them yet.

    Before all this, I planted 25 trumpet lilies I got the other day in 5 groups of 5 kinds in back of my front yard row of ROCKET CITYs between the daylilies and the blackberries growing back there.

    Before that I planted half my Gamin Gladiola bulbs in the end section of the backyard daylily garden. Plan to put the rest out front.

  • ladylovingdove
    15 years ago

    I have Blackout lily, I just LOVE it. I don't get quite enough cold for it to bloom a lot but I do get some blooms from it each year.
    My Orange Art is getting ready to bloom soon, it is just covered with buds. I ordered more of it and three more from B&D, I ordered Tiger Play, Music Art and Garden Treasure. I wanted some that were sold out so I guess, next year, but God knows where I will put them.


  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Its like daylilies. I always liked them but then found all these on line places to buy them that had much fancier and more variety than you local nursery and I got the daylily crazies. Same thing with bulb lilies. Once I found those on line vendors with much more choice than your local nursery, I was hooked with the lily crazies. No hope for me but my yard is getting prettier every year.

  • buyorsell888
    15 years ago

    You are not alone. Love the term "crazies" I'm late to the daylily crazies but I've been through many crazies.... spent the last three years buying clematis and daffodils.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    See, but each time I get the crazies I add stuff (like crazy) of whatever plant that crazies is for. Meantime all the other plants I have had the crazies for are still here. So the yard gets more and more packed with plants and really does look nicer and nicer each year.

  • alina_1
    15 years ago

    Dot, the big advantage of Lilies is their small "footprint" - you can squeeze them virtually anywhere.

    Rita, 'Blackout' is by far my favorite red Lily:


    You will not be disappointed! Red Alert is as vigorous as all LAs. Great bold color for combining with DLs!
    I wonder how big is your garden?

  • katlynn719
    15 years ago I've gotta have Blackout - love it! You know me and red. Too late for me to plant lilies here...but it's going on my list.

  • jan53_2008
    15 years ago

    Yep, right!@! It is definitely going on the list for a fall purchase, as I am a red freak too! Those are incredibly beautiful, and I MUST have them. Thanks for posting the pics of them! I have lots of different types and colors of lilies, but not them, yet........Jan G.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    I have afew clematis here too and I do like them but not having the crazies. A few is enough. I keep planting daffodils too but since I buy the mixes and not the fancy colors and names, I guess no crazies for daffs here either.

    alina- Love your picture of Blackout. It sure is one stunning lily.

    My garden is really not that big. Average sized suburban lot here. Just very multilevel, which makes for lots of opportunity to cram in all sorts of garden spots.

  • ladylovingdove
    15 years ago

    I should have posted my pictures of Blackout.
    Rita, I already received my order from B&D lilies. I ordered 2 of each and they sent 3 of each. Also the OT I ordered was 2 humongous bulbs, the largest I have ever seen.
    Got to get these planted now, very happy here.



    Blackout lily and purple oxalis

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Dot- Really lovely. I can see from all the pictures that I will love BLACKOUT, but then I knew that I would.

    But I did not get any extra bulbs when I received my B&D order. Not like the order I got from The LIly Garden. I got all sorts of extras on the bulbs I ordered and even bonus bulbs like like daylilies.

    Here is a link that might be useful: The lily Garden

  • alina_1
    15 years ago

    Beautiful pictures Dot!

    For those who love red flowers! Here is my favorite red Oriental 'Maru':


    It is a dwarf Lily. The color is dark and very bold. I think it will look great planted with some pale ore yellow DLs. Oriental 'Sumatra' is supposed to be a very good red, but deer ate all buds on it last year, so I've never seen it in person :o( Bob (the owner of B&D) highly recommends it.

    Here is another great online Lily source: Hallson's Gardens. Chris is a wonderful person to deal with. The bulbs I received from him were very fresh. Prices are very reasonable. The nursery has 100% rating on GWD.

  • buyorsell888
    15 years ago

    All my previous "crazies" are still in the yard too which is very full. I have over 60 Clematis but most are new and don't make a big splash yet.

    My yard is so small that I buy in dozens rather than hundreds except for small plants like daffodils.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    My Centerfold Lily bulbs arrived on Monday. Too much rain too plant. So I can't plant and have to stay inside, what do I do? Why, I order more lily bulbs of course. I have got to be nuts.

    I ordered lily bulbs from Brent and Beckys on Sunday and just got a notice they shipped today. Fantastic place to spend money, they have got all sorts of good things.

    In case anyone wants to know, I bought-

    I am going to plant these around the garden, some near the daylilies, some near the roses. Most however, are going in the back near my blueberry patch.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Brent and Beckys

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Hurray. I got all the Jacqueline lilies and Centerfold lilies and the other leftover lily bulbs that were still here from VB Wholesale all planted today. That left me with the oder from Brent and Beckys. I started but only got BRIGHT STAR and BESTSELLER planted today.

    I have lilies popping up all over the place! I thought I had a good amount when I put in all those 400 lily bulbs last year from VB Wholesale. That was the start of my bulb lily crazies even though I have been buying at local nurseries for years.

    But this year I went totally, totally overboard with my bulb lily crazies. I just kept ordering and ordering. At least I only have that last batch to plant and no more ordered thank goodness. And I am not going to order any more lilies until the fall. So just one more box to plant besides everything else that needs planting around here. Those darn lily bulbs are just so easy to find spots for that I get carried away.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    14 years ago


    This is were I made the new garden in the backyard by the Serviceberries that is lilies and daylilies. The front row, were you see that stringline is going to be my late blooming Rechamp Klehm daylilies I bought from Annette Rice on the Lily Auction. They are here but I have not gotten them planted.


    Closer View.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    14 years ago


    All those lilies I put in that garden are sprouting now.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    I finished planting those lily bulbs from Brent and Beckys the other day. Actually it was the 12th. That was finially all my lily bulbs for the spring and you don't know how happy I was to get them planted and be done with something.

    That section of garden you can see in the picture above has also been worked on. That stringline is there because a row of daylilies was going there to finish the garden section. Thats now done with 7 daylilies accross the front. 5 are my Rechamps / Khelms that I bought off Annette Rice on the Lily Auction this past fall and 2 other (one on each of the ends) are two pink Rice intros I also bought from her on the LA, HOW LOVELY YOU ARE and WILLOW DEAN SMITH.

  • newyorkrita
    Original Author
    14 years ago



    I have finished planting the row of daylilies that will be the front of that garden.


    This is what you see from the back as one can completely walk around the other side of this garden.

    You can just barely see first of six of the the row of Siberian Iris which are the start of the other side of the serviceberry garden.