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The top 25 fig varieties for Pierre Baud

Pierre Baud is a prestigious fig nursery man, maybe the "top one" in Europe. His family have grown figs for nursery business for two generations. He actually grows more of 300 varieties.

All the below are, in opinion of Pierre Baud, the best 25 varieties of fig. He has taken into account own experiences and his customers inputs in different climates, and has classified them in:

- CLIMATS CHAUDS (Mediterranean climate)

- CLIMATS TEMPERES (with early autumns less sunny and/or very rainy)

- CLIMATS FROIDS (with rare late springtime frosts). "late"= late April - first May

- CLIMATS FROIDS avec gelées tardives de printemps fréquentes (with frequent late springtime frosts)

- CLIMATS TRES FROIDS (winter temperatures below 0º F)

you can see this classification here (in french), he has divided in figs for small or big gardens and the cropping season:

The ripening time for each variety (in a Mediterranean climate) is as follows:

and a brief description of each variety here:

*Note: "Figue de Marseille" is probably the same variety as "Kadota"

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