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Has Anyone Had Any Luck With Mail Order Plants?

17 years ago

Im considering taking advantage of some of these internet deals, but im a bit skeptical of buying a plant I have never seen before.

Comments (13)

  • gardengal48 (PNW Z8/9)
    17 years ago

    If no one had any luck with mail order plants, a whole lot of very large mail order nurseries would be out of business :-)

    But not all mail order sources are created equal. I would hesitate buying from ebay or craig's list or whatever unless that specific vendor was recommended by someone - these are NOT nurseries but individuals who may or may not know even what they are selling. And they could be selling inferior or diseased stock as well. There are scores of very reputable mail order/online nurseries where one can purchase just about any plant imaginable. Check with the Garden Watchdog first to make sure this is a company worth doing business with.

    Personally, I do very little mail order purchasing for the very same reason - I want to see the plant before purchasing. Also, I am fortunate to live in an area with zillions of retail nurseries - work at one myself - and I prefer to buy larger plants than are typically available by mail and at a lower cost and no shipping. If at all possible, I'd encourage you to patronize your local nurseries and garden centers first and use mail order only for those plants you can't locate locally.

    Here is a link that might be useful: The Garden Watchdog

  • aehtx8
    17 years ago

    I really like for plants I can't find anywhere else.

  • meldy_nva
    17 years ago

    OTOH, if you want a quantity of plants and/or have a tight budget, buying from a reputable mail-order can save quite a bit in comparison to buying from a nursery -- although it's always worthwhile to check your local nurseries first.

    As gardengal says, mail order plants are often smaller, but that may be an advantage because young plants frequently transplant with less shock than the older, larger version. I've found that -with the exception of very slow-growing species- after a couple years, you rarely can tell whether the plant was originally a year old from the mail-order or 3 years old from the nursery. Since I have a preference for raising perennials from very small starts, I am happy with a company like Bluestone Perennials -- although I should add that their plants are rarely the tiny babies that they used to offer :)

    Absolutely do check the Garden Watchdog before ordering anything, you will save yourself considerable time, money, and effort by eliminating all dubious companies. That said, do carefully read the company's warranty and shipping policy before you send any money. Also consider what is said about their customer service office... there is no savings great enough to make up for rude or indifferent service.

    On this forum and on your home state forum, try a search for "catalogs" - there have been several threads with folks naming names and telling their experiences.

  • gaoyuqing
    17 years ago

    Just made a huge order from Direct gardens. we'll see how they do, but a far as cost goes, I've checked out tons of nurseries and stores and mailorder is by far and away much cheaper in every respect, even considering shipping which tends to be a set rate. This is, at least, true for large orders like mine. I wouldn't imagine ordering one or two plants worthwhile.

  • tracey_nj6
    17 years ago

    You should also check out the Rating Vendors forum; alot of helpful experiences from GW'ers...

    Here is a link that might be useful: Rate & Review Vendors

  • squirrellypete
    16 years ago

    My mom and I fell in love with gardening thanks to those glossy bulb company catalogs you get in the mail so I have to thank them for that. On the other hand after a couple of years we realized that when it comes to most bulbs and flowering plants we could buy them much more cheaply from a local retailer/big box store, assuming they have the kind you're looking for. Those catalogs are still good places to find more unique items that retailers may not carry but you will pay a higher price for them. Also, you may find that many items in those catalogs won't do well for you in your soil or zone, but that can also be said of nursery stock that was grown somewhere else and then shipped to your local store. Someone mentioned they ordered from direct gardening. We tried that two years in a row and were terribly disappointed each time. I hope your experience is better.

    Sincerely, Squirrellypete

  • recoveringhedonist
    16 years ago

    Last spring I ordered 60 germander plants from Bluestone Perennials to create little formal hedges in an Italian patio garden I'm putting together. To my absolute amazement EVERY SINGLE plant arrived in perfect condition and they are thriving beautifully. The company is fabulous! Bluestone will even pay the shipping on your next order if you return their box so that it can be reused or recycled.

  • lindac
    16 years ago

    There are good mail order places and there are very very poor ones.
    Bluestone and white flower farms are very very good. I also have had excellent results from High country roses and VonBourgendein for bulbs.
    I have had awful products from Brecks...and an occasional rotting plant from Jackson Perkins.
    Mostly I buy from local garden centers...but sometimes I want something that just isn't available.
    Linda C

  • gardenofeden777
    16 years ago

    I have ordered from only 1 mail order co. and it was an absolutely horrible experience! It was Michigan Bulb Co. I still see their ads all over. Half of the plants arrived dead, the rest were half dead and joined their shipmates soon thereafter. Customer service was equally as bad.

    Good luck,

  • flowerluvr
    16 years ago

    Rena-I don't know of anyone who has had good luck with Michigan Bulb Co. And most of us have been sucked in once before we knew better ;)
    Bluestone, Plant Delights, White Flower Farm. High Country Gardens have all been great when I've ordered from them. I also order from Green Mountain Transplants, but keep in mind that they are very small plants. I order perennials from them in the spring, pot them up and let them get some root growth then plant in the fall. Good and inexpensive way to increase your stock if you have the time and room to fool with it.

  • docwayne
    16 years ago

    You'll never find a comparison to ForestFarm in Williams, OR. I've ordered large quantities from them for 15 years, and never one disappointment! Unbelievable variety of plants available in catalog (try 80 or 90 varieties of Jap. maples alone!) Have never received a plant in bad shape, and their packaging will withstand anything that could possibly happen in the mail! Plant Delights also very good, but much higher than FF!!

  • rosy_heritage
    16 years ago

    I buy almost all of my plant material online and have for about 4 years. I just changed bulb vendors - I used to buy where I got the best $$$ because to me, bulbs tend to be more of an annual than perennial. If I leave them to over winter they either drown in our wet winters or get eaten by furry mammals that don't belong to me. If they don't over winter, I may use them again or I may forget where I left them...didn't say I was bright! Anyway, I have a new attitude since I bought bulbs from They are so supportive! I bought the largest Dahilia tubers I've ever seen last year and you can bet I remembered where I put them! They were healthy and gorgeous and I can't wait to see what I buy this year from them!! Roses, which are my favorite, come primarily from or and perennials from or wayside gardens. I'm also going to try Steambank gardens this year because they are 100% organic. I'm not sure I'm going to continue with Wayside. In the past they've been great but I was pretty disappointed in the sizes offered and the quality of plants rec'd this year.

  • debbie21
    16 years ago

    I have purchased plants from Burgess Seed Co. located in Illinois. I live in Ga. I am proud to say that most of the plants I ordered are still alive and well. They come dormant and some are not suppose to be in that state for a long while, so be sure that if you order to get it express mailed to you or overnighted. The other mail orders I have didn't make it and they needed to refund my monies. All Plants need to be gauranteed for me to purchase for up to a year, otherwise I won't touch it!

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