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Interplanting Plans/Ideas

13 years ago

I have not done any interplanting and am very new to it. Right now I have a few plots that are 20 x 40.

Plot one I have the following:

Note all rows are 2 ft wide

Row is 1 is on the North end of the plot and runs East/West

Row 1 - Corn = 20 ft row and planted 4 seeds every sqft to equal 160 seeds

Row 2 - Corn = same as above but not planted yet (next week)

Row 3 - Corn = same as above and planting in 3 weeks

Row 4 - Big Beef Tomatoes = 6 plants in the 20 ft row

Row 5 - Roma Tomatoes = 6 plants in the 20 ft row

Row 5 - Cherry 100's = 6 plants in the 20 ft row

Row 6 = Herbs ( 2 Basil, 2 Sage, 2 Greek Orgeno)

Row 7 = Stringless Bush Beans = 4 per sqft and plan on planting these in 8 sqft sections every 3 weeks until row is full.

Plot 2 Runs same direction as Plot 1 except each row is 40 ft long

Row 1 - Sugar Snap Peas = 8 per sqft (Planted 16 square feet and planned on spacing out the remainder of the row to 16 square feet every 3 weeks until it is at full length)

Row 2 - Green Straight Neck Squash = 4 Plants, Carrots = 16 per sqft (Approximately 8 ft long x 2 ft long row)

Row 3 - Yellow Straight Neck Squash = 4 Plants, Carrots = 16 per sqft

Row 4 = Radishes = 16 per sqft and planting them in same time frame as Peas above.

Plot 3 I have not started yet but planned on Pumpkins, Butternut and Acorn Squash and maybe some other melons if I get to them soon.


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