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261 posts

9 years ago


If I put your monkiker in the search, the site tells me you have 261 posts. If I put various other terms for compost tea, . . .
there are fewer results but none with an explicit title.

I'm nagging you as much for Others: new posters as for myself.
We can't complain about the extremely ignorant questions if the search itself is taxing .
In My (nh) Opinion, the site needs your methods in one post with an explicit title. I think it is almost there, but not quite findable. If you indulge (me, us ) in this, I'll keep it on the
list so it's easy to find.

If I were to post a message such as I am asking you for, it would start with prepare the bed before you get worms. Use horse manure, & why. And such things as quantity of worms to size of bed (by weight), have some food ready in feeding quantities --pureed & frozen.

I found the one that translates to scant cup of VC plus dollop of molasses. This is you reminding us that precision is not imperative. This is you entertaining us . I get that.
IM O , however, beginners do better with conventional recipes. Ordinary recipes like in cookbooks reduce anxiety, if not error.

I've read a lot of those 261 posts.

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