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17 years ago

My wife and I just adopted from a Rescue Kennel a 3 yr chihuahua, female. She shies away from my wife, who feeds her and takes her outside. She adores me, sits on my lap, and lets me pet her. I would like the same attention to my wife since it was her choice. Can any one explain the basics of a dog attaching itself to a person. Thank you for any comments.


Comments (5)

  • Lillie1441
    17 years ago

    Dennis-I don't know why certain animals prefer certain people to others,just like with humans.I'm sure it isn't your wife's fault so she,nor you,should feel guilty.
    A lot of Chihuahuas tend to be somewhat shy.They are also sometimes very loyal to one certain person.I think it is just their personalities.I have 3,all of which have totally different personalities.The older dog,Chiquita,is 12 and though she was given to me as a birthday present from my DD,is NOT "my" dog and never has been!LOL She likes,or I should say prefers,my DH.She will sit in my lap,in my chair or at my feet but when he is around she is right there all over him.She just prefers him to me and there's nothing I can do about it.LOL Her daughter,CryBaby is almost 10 and has always has been a very shy little dog.She hides under the bed 90% of the time.Since she was a tiny puppy she would hide her face under your arm when you hold her.She will sit with anyone and let them love on her but when she is done,back under the bed she goes! LOL She prefers my 14 year old DG to anyone else and she is the only one that can coax her out from under the bed.We call her CryBaby because she is a "crier".She whines and cries all the time! Her son Max is almost 6.He is totally opposite of either of the other two.Very outgoing,loves everyone and likes to be the center of attention.If anyone sits down he's in their lap.Of course there are a few exceptions and he does avoid "some" people.They just seem to know who they like and who they don't,or maybe it's who likes "them" and who doesn't.LOL
    Like your wife,I have always been the one who feeds them and gives them 99% of their care.Why they prefer others to me,I don't know? All I can tell you is for your wife to just give her as much love and attention as possible and don't be dissapointed if she isn't able to change the dogs preference for you over her.Just because she doesn't prefer DW over you doesn't mean DW can't still lavish her with love and attention.
    It is also possible that maybe in her previous home she may have been abused or harshly disciplined by a female.If that is the case it will take lots of attention and work to get her to trust your wife,and that still may never happen.Good luck and enjoy your pup.Chihuahuas are wonderful little dogs.............Lillie

  • beeanne
    17 years ago

    Congrats on adopting an adult dog from a rescue. You didn't mention exactly how long she has been in your home. It may just take her a while to warm up to your wife. Maybe there was a man in her former life that she adored, or maybe like Lillie said and she was abused by a woman. Who knows what is going on in her little mind. Just give her lots of lovin' and be patient. Good luck and keep us posted.

  • yborgal
    17 years ago

    We adopted a rescued 6½ yr old female chihuahua about 6 months ago. She had been abused and mistreated by her male owner and as a consequence was aggressive with any men that came into the house and approached me.

    She merely tolerated my husband, but after much patience, soft words and gentle petting she now loves him as much as she loves me.

    She has now learned to trust newcomers in our home, both males as well as females. She truly is a lap dog and a people lover. What a change in her personality.

    Just tell your wife not to give up on your Chihuahua. She'll come around in time.

  • mazer415
    17 years ago

    Ohhh this is sooo hard. I know from person experience, and Chi's can be stubborn knotheads as well. I am just guessing here, but I think your dog sees your wife as just another chick in the harem type thing. Your Chi feels she is the Alpha, and your wife is playing second fiddle. You can help lessen this by what you both do. Always feed yourselves first, never feed your Chi off the table, save the scraps for later. Your wife should start feeding the dog, not you. Have your wife feed the Chi little bits at a time. And teaching the Chi to sit, or lay down for her bits of food will help establish your wife as the Alpha. ALWAYS hug your wife BEFORE petting the dog, ALWAYS. If you have a couch, sit together, have the Chi sit with your wife for awhile. DOnt let that little bugger run your lives, becuase believe me, it will try.Dogs live in a heirarchal society, they like to please and when they figure out who is in charge, they usually will attach to that person. If all this does not work, next best thing, get a second Chi, and let your wife go and pick it out and spend time with it alone before introducing it to you and your first Chi. I hope it works out with the first one tho. Those little monsters can be a handful if you dont assert yourself with them. Tiny terrors with no fear.

  • share_oh
    17 years ago

    I don't have a chihuahua but I do have a toy poodle. When I brought her home from the shelter she instantly bonded to me and to my youngest daughter. We say she "tolerates" my husband and my oldest daughter.

    My husband does everything he can to get this dog to love him back - picks her up, cuddles her, talks to her... all the while her head is turning to see where Mama is!

    She came from a backyard breeder (male) and I think spent her whole life (1 1/2 years) in a cage. I don't know if that's why she prefers women or not... but it doesn't explain why she doesn't seem to care for my other daughter. My younger one saw her first so we joke that she only has the capacity to love two people and that is my daughter and I.

    For us, the situation works... however if it were reversed and she preferred my husband, I think I'd be upset!

    We've had her one year now almost exactly and she has warmed up to the other two somewhat, but no where near the adoration she has for the two of us.
