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Comments (39)

  • User
    2 years ago

    My husband and i just decided this morning to pull the plug on our trip to switzerland in Oct and November. Too many variables 🙁

    bbstx thanked User
  • sjerin
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    We were finally going to visit relatives in my hometown of Portland, but decided to nix it. Between the fires and the virulent covid, it was obvious that we arent comfortable with the idea of traveling yet. Darn.

    bbstx thanked sjerin
  • 3katz4me
    2 years ago

    Reconfirms our decision to drive to NC for a wedding in a couple weeks. Haven't heard anything about gas shortages recently so hopefully we won't have that problem. Safer I'm sure to hunker down at home but we just can't do it any more. We'll be mostly outdoors and in our own rental cabin and will mask up with N95 when we go indoors along the way. There is no way I'd go to an airport or get on a plane and I'm not sure when I will ever do that again. Glad we've already done a lot of international travel.

    bbstx thanked 3katz4me
  • OllieJane
    2 years ago

    We have a trip to Cabo in October. Not planning on canceling it at all. Hopefully, this Delta variant surge will fizzle as quickly as it did in the other countries.

    bbstx thanked OllieJane
  • gsciencechick
    2 years ago

    We have our outdoor rock festival next month. We decided NOT to rent the RV for it since this is the first time at this location, and they added more camping spots including glamping tents, and we are concerned that they have enough amenities and infrastructure for the number of people expected. The RV spots with electrical sold out right away and if you get on the waitlist you are automatically given a spot when it comes available. Great if you own an RV, but for someone renting this really isn't an option since a spot might open up days before. Then the hotel calls me to confirm our reservation because they have built a new hotel nearby and they are transferring our reservation and do we still want it. So, yes, I told her since we are not camping, we are going to need the hotel. Since we are arriving the first day, I am fairly confident of my reservation. I'd be less confident if I were arriving Friday or Saturday. The reservation does show up in my Hilton Honors account.

    Of course, given the current situation, the whole thing could be canceled or experience major interruptions with the bands playing (already one international band could not get visas and had to pull out). I doubt it, though. It is sold out, 30,000 tickets.

    We also have out rescheduled Rolling Stones date, but that is here at the stadium.

    bbstx thanked gsciencechick
  • gsciencechick
    2 years ago

    Kswl, I have a professional connection who is in Switzerland now.

    bbstx thanked gsciencechick
  • mtnrdredux_gw
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Mexico has been lax throughout this, Cabo seems safe (clarification; it seems a safe bet that you can go, not opining if it is "safe" in any other sense)

    Our holiday European trip is a totally whacky what-not-to-do. Four countries (albeit all EU), and one kid arriving and leaving at a different time. It's a birthday present for DH so fingers crossed but who knows.

    To add insult to injury, a few days ago my DD, who is working in Greece but took a quick trip to Dubrovnik, sent me some glorious photos from there. It's always been on my list, but everyone complains about the crowds. There were no cruise ships and no crowds at all. I decided it was now or never and booked a quick mid September trip. That seems most vulnerable right now.

    And we still have a Bonaire/Curacao snorkelling trip that we could not do last spring and rescheduled to May 2022.

    All of our accommodations on all three of these trips are refundable and cancellable until very close to departure. Flights are cancellable but we end up with a credit, not a refund.

    Which means if it all unravels, we will have three untaken vacations lined up like planes on a tarmac in a thunderstorm...

    All of us are fully vaxxed no health issues, not in any risk group.

    bbstx thanked mtnrdredux_gw
  • OllieJane
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Good for you roarah. You may be right about covid never going away. The media is always going to hype it up even worse than it really is. At some point, we have to just go on and live our lives. This past year and a half was horrible for our kids-educationally and emotionally. And, we weren't even as shut down as some states.

    bbstx thanked OllieJane
  • Rory (Zone 6b)
    2 years ago

    DH is supposed to travel to Rapid City SD for business next week. Sturgis motorcycle thing is at the same time. He's fully va**inated but I am still a bit nervous because he doesn't know the status of the folks he's meeting with.

    bbstx thanked Rory (Zone 6b)
  • 3katz4me
    2 years ago

    Amen roarah - I too feel a need to get on with living before I die.

    bbstx thanked 3katz4me
  • Eileen
    2 years ago

    I was reading OHSU's COVID forecast for Oregon this morning and they expect the peak for hospitalizations to occur at the end of September. You might want to factor that into your plans. I am sitting tight for the next two months.

    bbstx thanked Eileen
  • gsciencechick
    2 years ago

    Eileen, I saw something local that it will be less in the south but will increase in places that are lower now.

    bbstx thanked gsciencechick
  • mtnrdredux_gw
    2 years ago

    Probably makes sense, gscience

    bbstx thanked mtnrdredux_gw
  • DLM2000-GW
    2 years ago

    I'm getting very nervous for our trip to WA at the end of Sept. We're out the airbnb $ if we cancel so that's a chunk of change and whatever fees the airline imposes. The idea of sitting on a plane even though masked and then seeing my 3 year old granddaughter is the risk. We had it all planned - pre Delta - but so much has changed, DS will meet us at the airport and we won't see DIL or DGD until we have showered and changed clothes (probably a gesture only but the idea makes us all feel better). But the understanding now is that the viral load carried in the sinuses and throat by vaxxed people (Delta variant) is as high as the unvaxxed - the upside continues to be greatly reduced illness if any. But the ability to SPREAD it is higher than ever so those who are too young or unable to get poked due to a medical condition are as vulnerable or even more than before. I honestly don't give a cr@p about the vulnerability of someone choosing to remain unvaxxed for other reasons.

    bbstx thanked DLM2000-GW
  • mtnrdredux_gw
    2 years ago

    DLM, can you cancel the AIr bnb now? I would and then choose a more flexible place to stay.

    Airlines are pretty good about change fees now, but not giving COVID refunds anymore

    bbstx thanked mtnrdredux_gw
  • DLM2000-GW
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    mtn the refund structure is 50% at this point till 9/19 - less the service fee, too. We'll know more by then and what will be will be. Problem is there is nothing more flexible - very limited accommodation options in Port Angeles unfortunately.

    edit - there are hotel options that are more flexible with refunds, problem is we need a place where we can all be together (they live in a tiny house if you remember), hang out, prepare meals etc. The airbnb we rented is close to a fabulous park, walking distance to town and grocery, has porches and a yard..... hanging out in hotel rooms no matter how nice they are isn't going to work.

    edit#2 - staying close to work for DS is necessary otherwise we'd go somewhere else - he has to pop in to construction sites at Olympic Nat'l park during our stay.

    bbstx thanked DLM2000-GW
  • salonva
    2 years ago

    I am trying to plan a May 2022 trip to Portugal. I think that is realistic but of course who knows.

    I think before then we will do a roadtrip or 2. I am still thinking of a few days to NC in September, and then will see.

    We are going to an outdoor festival at the end of August.

    I don't know if I am being the ostrich with my head in the sand, but I really feel protected with the vaccination and expect to get boosters when offered. I will mask when required.

    I agree with the sense that I need to get back to living and enjoying. This last year and a half (well I guess since Mid March of 2020?) has been a blur.

    I expect to evaluate and re-evaluate as needed.

    bbstx thanked salonva
  • roarah
    2 years ago

    Luckily the under ten group still generally have asymptomatic or very mild infections even now with delta. There is still the long term damage that may or may not occur with childhood infections that is the unknown. I know many present diseases, lymphoma and lupus, are linked to childhood epstein barr infections.

    bbstx thanked roarah
  • Tina Marie
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    We have taken two trips this year (within the US) and have felt safe doing so. I felt precautions were taken by restaurants, our accomodations, etc. We are both fully vaccinated and if boosters or additional doses are recommended/offered, we will do so. I would, however, like to see restaurants and other businesses going back to employees wearing masks. In most businesses around here, it seems to be a recommendation rather than a requirement. I have no problem wearing a mask. We still limit some activities. I do not enjoy shopping, so it has not hurt me to stay away from the shops. We do antique, but if we do so, we do on a week-day vs. peak time and if there are more than a couple other people in the shop, we mask up.

    I have a form of asthma (cough variant) which so far I have not had much trouble with. But, I do wonder how it would affect me if I were to get Covid. So, we try to be careful but not let it run our lives.

    ETA: We have a trip coming up early October. We will wait and see what the rates are before making our final decision. We can cancel our accommodations within days of our expected arrival, so that is good.

    bbstx thanked Tina Marie
  • Sueb20
    2 years ago

    We have a couple of trips planned this fall (one that involves flying) and I feel fine about them, but still hesitant to plan anything outside of the US. I’m not sure I can really articulate exactly why…but we are still hoping for a Europe trip next spring.

    bbstx thanked Sueb20
  • User
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    The rste of vaccinations in Switzerland has slowed dramatically; they have lagged behind the UK, Spain and Italy, among other countries. They are at 48% of adults vaccinated and the slowed rate says that most people who want it already have it. For some reason I thought the pragmatic Swiss would be more vaxx compliant. DH and i both have comorbidities (he has HBP and i have a heart condition), and we are also wary of bringing anything home to my 88 year old mother with congestive heart failure or our grandchild. There have been about 600 child deaths from covid 19 in the US, an insignificant number until it’s one of your own.

    We could go on our trip and quarantine for a couple of weeks when we returned but that would mean missing Andrew’s first birthday. No trip is worth that to me. Ive been to Switzerland several times; that destination was chosen by our good friend / travel companion who has never been. It will still be there next year.

    bbstx thanked User
  • jmck_nc
    2 years ago

    We flew to NH from NC this past week to visit my SIL who is dying from pancreatic cancer. I felt very safe in the airports and on the planes. Everyone is masked and required to mask. Safer than my local grocery store. We have a trip planned to CA and Maui in October and hopefully Delta will not make that impossible. I did find wearing a mask for so long a bit annoying but it is preparing me for fall when I go back to teaching preschool masked. I hope we have boosters available before my Hawaii trip.

    bbstx thanked jmck_nc
  • Tina Marie
    2 years ago

    @jmck_nc I am so sorry to hear about your SIL. My mother died from pancreatic cancer. It is a horrible disease. My thoughts are with you.

    bbstx thanked Tina Marie
  • Kitchenwitch111
    2 years ago

    I'm travelling to Italy September 2nd with my family. So far all we need is our CDC vaccine card and we're good to get in, but with the Delta variant rising here in the US, I don't know if Italy will want us a month from now. Flights are changeable if this happens but honesty I feel safer going to a foreign country right now than to states like Alabama or Florida where the virus is surging and people are forbidden by their government to have mask requirements.

    bbstx thanked Kitchenwitch111
  • cawaps
    2 years ago

    I just got back from a family reunion in northern Idaho. This is the 2nd time I've flown anywhere since covid started (last time was in April). The plane was fine, but mask-wearing was pretty lax in the airport. Everyone had a mask, but lots were down below noses, or around chins. But I anticipated that and double-masked (getting the delta variant would be inconvenient even though I'm quite confident of the vaccine protecting me from serious illness).

    I am planning a trip to the Oregon coast later in the fall, flying into Portland. I'm not quite confident enough to make international travel plans yet.

    bbstx thanked cawaps
  • Eileen
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    The CDC moved the following countries into the "Level 4: COVID-19 Very High" category today: Andorra, Curaçao, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Iran, Ireland, Isle of Man, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Libya, Malta, Martinique, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin and US Virgin Islands.

    Cawaps, last summer, mayors of the small towns up and down the Oregon coast were telling people to stay home. Their medical facilities are not equipped to handle an outbreak of COVID.

    bbstx thanked Eileen
  • yeonassky
    2 years ago

    The Delta variant has had me deciding to stay put instead of going Alberta to see our nephew. This is an interesting read though. Not sure if anybody else has linked this from the Boston Globe or not. The vaccine is definitely helping as far as I can understand acting like the herd immunity thing.

  • gsciencechick
    2 years ago

    Eileen, thanks for those updates.

    DLM, I don't see any other way to do it. Clearly you need a house. I felt very safe on the airplane and in the airport, but that was only a short flight. I would say in the airport very good compliance. Can you get first class if you don't already?

  • 3katz4me
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    FYI regarding masks from the latest Osterholm podcast - only N95/KN95 masks are truly protective. They are now readily available and can be purchased online. I bought Powecom for our road trip in March and will be using them again for our road trip to NC later this month. I havent been wearing a mask when out shopping since our prevalence is relatively low but that’s what I will wear when I start masking up again.

    Call me paranoid but there’s no way in he!! I’m traveling internationally until this thing gets sorted.

  • Allison0704
    2 years ago

    CDC news from a Detroit network news:

    There’s good news for those who are va##inated against COVID-19. The CDC released data that shows more than 99.99% of breakthrough cases did not lead to either hospitalization or death.

    People are getting confused and worried about breakthrough cases. I know this because of all the questions I’m getting from patients. I’m happy to share encouraging news that comes directly from the CDC.

    When you do the math and factor in that over 163 million Americans at that time were fully va##inated against COVID-19, you realize that it’s actually a very tiny number of fully va##inated people that are severely affected.

    Roughly 0.004% of people with breakthrough cases ended up in the hospital. And less than 0.001% of the people with breakthrough cases ended up dying.

    The CDC reported that 74% of the breakthrough cases were in people aged 65 and up. About 48% of them were female. As for questions regarding breakthrough infections causing spread, that is based on a study the CDC recently published. This is where 469 Massachusetts residents became infected, mostly with the D#lta variant. When the researchers analyzed the samples, they found viral loads were very similar for both the fully vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

    While this does indicate that it is possible for a fully va##inated person to spread the virus, generally speaking, being fully va##inated means that you’re less likely to get infected in the first place. Therefore, less likely to spread the virus.

    What we need to be worried about is those who are unva##inated. I really want to be very clear about this, if you’re unva##inated, you can very easily get infected and spread the virus. I know the D#lta variant is causing mayhem and uncertainty for many folks.

    Science tells us that the best way out of this p#ndemic is to get fully va##inated. Our va##ines can prevent people from getting C#VID, and they greatly reduce the chance of getting seriously sick or dying from the virus.

  • smhinnb
    2 years ago

    I turned 50 last week, and my husband booked a 2 week trip to Maui and Kauai for late March into early April. Hopefully we'll be ok by then. I can't tell you how excited I am just to have something to plan and look forward to. The accommodations have good cancellation policies, and the flights can be cancelled for a credit. If we book any excursions or whatnot, we'll make sure they can be refunded also.

  • gsciencechick
    2 years ago

    The Rage Against the Machine concert at Madison Square Garden was postponed from Aug 2020 to this week but was postponed again to August 2022. DH and I were a little frustrated a couple months back and said they could have had the concert. But right now I am glad it's postponed. I realized the other day I did not cancel the hotel which I made reservations earlier in 2021. We re-used the credits for the flights already and did not re-book for this year.

  • Frank Gloom
    2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    Traveling istrying to reborn, and we should all remember that it’s a long process. I agreewith the article, traveling has more headaches now. It is more stressful,expensive, and requires more planning. COVID will not get away any time soonthough. I believe we have to responsibly enjoy traveling anyway. My parentsare a great example of how people may enjoy life during pandemic. They areplanning to go to Costa Rica soon. Their main goal is to find a hotel that followsall the corona guidelines. After a deep investigation, they consider to be one ofthe best as it’s not only located in the region with the lowest number of casesreported but also the administration strictly follows all the restrictions andrules. Yes, you need to consider a lot of factors while looking for a place tostay but it’s still a big pleasure to discover new cultures.

  • Anne
    2 years ago

    I have cancelled travel and it is sad but our family thought it best, i know some feel differently and to each their own

  • eld6161
    2 years ago

    Spam alert on this 5 month thread

  • Springroz
    2 years ago

    I have an idea….could the title change color after a few months, so I don’t read 10 posts before I realize it was brought up by a spammer??? LOL…on the remodelling?redecorating side, they should be another color if they NEVER had a resolution…..

  • Kaya
    2 years ago

    But, but, but ... Frank Gloom is telling us about the reborning of travel! Don't you want to know more? 😏

  • Lars
    2 years ago

    I did find it odd to read about the Delta variant, as if it were the latest news, and it took me a while to realize the 5 month delay.

    It does go to show how much has changed in only 5 months.

    Who would choose "Gloom" as part of their name? It sounds a bit Goth to me.