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Dog Houses

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Some pups prefer to spend their time outdoors, and if yours would rather sleep under the stars it’s a great idea to set up a doghouse for them to call their own. A properly constructed doghouse will keep your pooch dry in inclement weather, cool in the summer and warm in the winter, not to mention comfy thanks to a few blankets or dog bed inside.

How do I know what size doghouse is right for my dog?

It’s important that your doghouse is sized perfectly for your pooch. If it’s too small, he could get stuck trying to slip inside; if it’s too large it could cause heat loss during the winter. Determining what size doghouse your pup needs requires a bit of measuring. Have your dog stand up, then measure him at these three points:
1. From the tip of his nose to his bottom (you won’t need to measure his tail, since it will usually be tucked in beside him)
2. From the top of his head or ears, whichever is taller, to the ground
3. From his shoulders to the ground

Once you have these measurements, you can use them to size up the perfect doghouse that meets these requirements:
• The height of the doghouse door should measure no less than ¾ of the measurement you took from your dog’s shoulder to the ground (measurement 3).
• The width and length of the doghouse should be the same as or no more than 25% larger than the measurement you took from the tip of your dog’s nose to his bottom (measurement 1).
• The height should be between 25 and 50% taller than the measurement you took from the top of your pup’s head to the ground (measurement 2).

What materials are best for doghouses?

The best material choice for your dog’s new house is wood that hasn’t been pressure treated and is free of any toxic chemicals, including paint and stain. While you can find doghouses made from plastic and metal, these materials tend to absorb the cold and heat, which causes temperatures inside the house to fluctuate with the weather.

Are there any other doghouse features I should consider?

Your dog’s outdoor home should feature a raised floor, which helps keep pests away and reduces the chance of water seeping in. Similarly, a weather flap attached to the doorway can help keep wind, rain and snow out. Some doghouses also feature windows that can be propped open for extra ventilation during the summer. A helpful feature for owners is a hinged roof, which allows easy access to the inside for cleaning or picking up your pooch.

If you do add bedding to your pup’s house, be sure to clean it regularly. Removing the bedding for a wash also gives you a chance to check inside for any unwanted houseguests, who could also prevent your pup from using her doghouse.