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Inspiration for a timeless living room remodel in Seattle
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Versailles Rose - Premium Designer Swag Valances

Traditional Living Room, Seattle

Versailles classic is reimagined in this elegant curtain set with gold silky borcade fabric. You will love how gracefully the light bounces off the divinely hand tailored curvaceous swag, and how nicely the red fringes along the swags and tails, and red tassels hanging on the hand-stitched fabric buttons, complete the the overall design. Splendid looking on both the front and the back, Celuce curtain sets not only bring royal and romantic touch inside your home, they also create a gorgeous curb appeal that will make all your neighbors jealous. http://www.celuce.com/p/72/versailles-rose-swags-valances-curtain-draperies-130 Photo credit: Summer Studio

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