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34" Brown Boat Model Sculpture
34" Brown Boat Model Sculpture
34" Brown Boat Model Sculpture
34" Brown Boat Model Sculpture
34" Brown Boat Model Sculpture
34" Brown Boat Model Sculpture
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Magnificent and incredibly detailed replica, the 1797 USS Constitution Cross Section Model is a unique hand-built model of the famous American heavy frigate. Handmade by the most talented craftsman using high-quality western red cedar, rosewood, and mahogany. It features the cross-section of the ship, displaying the hull, metal canons, water barrels, a skylight, and many more intricate details. It comes with a solid wood base and a brass nameplate making it perfect for displaying. It is a sought-after piece for any history or maritime enthusiast. 34'' x 12.5'' x 3.75"

34" Brown Boat Model Sculpture
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Est. Delivery: May. 6 - May. 15 (to )
    Qty: 1

    • Product Description
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    Magnificent and incredibly detailed replica, the 1797 USS Constitution Cross Section Model is a unique hand-built model of the famous American heavy frigate. Handmade by the most talented craftsman using high-quality western red cedar, rosewood, and mahogany. It features the cross-section of the ship, displaying the hull, metal canons, water barrels, a skylight, and many more intricate details. It comes with a solid wood base and a brass nameplate making it perfect for displaying. It is a sought-after piece for any history or maritime enthusiast. 34'' x 12.5'' x 3.75"

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