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9' 6" X 10' 5" Square Overdyed Handmade Wool Rug - Q4775
9' 6" X 10' 5" Square Overdyed Handmade Wool Rug - Q4775
9' 6" X 10' 5" Square Overdyed Handmade Wool Rug - Q4775
9' 6" X 10' 5" Square Overdyed Handmade Wool Rug - Q4775
9' 6" X 10' 5" Square Overdyed Handmade Wool Rug - Q4775
9' 6" X 10' 5" Square Overdyed Handmade Wool Rug - Q4775
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The Recognizable vivacious colors of overdyed involves a five step process, that makes something old into something new. various chemical washes and natural sun bleaching, helps to soften some of the harsher outlines of vintage patterns then a blank canvas is created. Once the rug is ready to be dyed, it is hand dyed several times using natural dyes. The colors from the natural dyes gives them their lively splash of color.

9' 6" X 10' 5" Square Overdyed Handmade Wool Rug - Q4775
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Est. Delivery: May. 4 - May. 9 (to )
    Qty: 1

    • Product Description
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    • Shipping and Returns
    The Recognizable vivacious colors of overdyed involves a five step process, that makes something old into something new. various chemical washes and natural sun bleaching, helps to soften some of the harsher outlines of vintage patterns then a blank canvas is created. Once the rug is ready to be dyed, it is hand dyed several times using natural dyes. The colors from the natural dyes gives them their lively splash of color.

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    At Houzz we want you to shop for Manhattan Rugs 9' 6" X 10' 5" Square Overdyed Handmade Wool Rug - Q4775 with confidence. You can read real customer reviews for this or any other product and even ask questions and get answers from us or straight from the brand. When you buy Manhattan Rugs 9' 6" X 10' 5" Square Overdyed Handmade Wool Rug - Q4775 or any product product online from us, you become part of the Houzz family and can expect exceptional customer service every step of the way. If you have questions about Manhattan Rugs or any other product for sale, our customer service team is eager to help.