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Grey Colours in the Work of William Morris (inky grey) by Birgir Andresson
Grey Colours in the Work of William Morris (inky grey) by Birgir Andresson
Grey Colours in the Work of William Morris (inky grey) by Birgir Andresson
Grey Colours in the Work of William Morris (inky grey) by Birgir Andresson
Grey Colours in the Work of William Morris (inky grey) by Birgir Andresson
Grey Colours in the Work of William Morris (inky grey) by Birgir Andresson
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Andrésson’s series Grey Colours in the Work of William Morris draws on his signature “Icelandic colors” scheme, identifying and isolating all the shades of grey used by the artist and designer William Morris, a leader of the English Arts and Crafts movement in the nineteenth century. Color was a central aspect of Morris’s work, and he wrote and lectured extensively on the significance of various shades and how they should be combined. In this series, Andrésson playfully removes these shades from their context and renders them as a fictional Pantone color swatches, assigning them “Icelandic color” numbers and names.

Grey Colours in the Work of William Morris (inky grey) by Birgir Andresson

    Andrésson’s series Grey Colours in the Work of William Morris draws on his signature “Icelandic colors” scheme, identifying and isolating all the shades of grey used by the artist and designer William Morris, a leader of the English Arts and Crafts movement in the nineteenth century. Color was a central aspect of Morris’s work, and he wrote and lectured extensively on the significance of various shades and how they should be combined. In this series, Andrésson playfully removes these shades from their context and renders them as a fictional Pantone color swatches, assigning them “Icelandic color” numbers and names.

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    Andrésson’s series Grey Colours in the Work of William Morris draws on his signature “Icelandic colors” scheme, identifying and isolating all the shades of grey used by the artist and designer William Morris, a leader of the English Arts and Crafts movement in the nineteenth century. Color was a central aspect of Morris’s work, and he wrote and lectured extensively on the significance of various shades and how they should be combined. In this series, Andrésson playfully removes these shades from their context and renders them as a fictional Pantone color swatches, assigning them “Icelandic color” numbers and names.

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