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Herman Miller Eames Walnut Stool B
Herman Miller Eames Walnut Stool B
Herman Miller Eames Walnut Stool B
Herman Miller Eames Walnut Stool B
Herman Miller Eames Walnut Stool B
Herman Miller Eames Walnut Stool B
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Herman Miller Eames Walnut Stool (B) designed by Charles and Ray Eames At A Glance: Ray Eames drew on her training as a sculptor to design a new kind of occasional piece for the lobby of the Time-Life Building in New York City, and the resulting Eames walnut stools became her favorite seats, being liberally scattered about the Charles and Ray Eames home in Pacific Palisades. A museum curator once ordered two of these stools for his son and daughter. "Graduation gifts?" he was asked. "No," he said, "the kids are only five and three. But I want them to have the experience of growing up with something truly good that they can keep all their lives." Very rarely does something so small demand so much attention. Available in three distinct styles, these solid walnut stools possess an old-world charm combined with the intricate craftsmanship of modern design

Herman Miller Eames Walnut Stool B

    Herman Miller Eames Walnut Stool (B) designed by Charles and Ray Eames At A Glance: Ray Eames drew on her training as a sculptor to design a new kind of occasional piece for the lobby of the Time-Life Building in New York City, and the resulting Eames walnut stools became her favorite seats, being liberally scattered about the Charles and Ray Eames home in Pacific Palisades. A museum curator once ordered two of these stools for his son and daughter. "Graduation gifts?" he was asked. "No," he said, "the kids are only five and three. But I want them to have the experience of growing up with something truly good that they can keep all their lives." Very rarely does something so small demand so much attention. Available in three distinct styles, these solid walnut stools possess an old-world charm combined with the intricate craftsmanship of modern design

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    Herman Miller Eames Walnut Stool (B) designed by Charles and Ray Eames At A Glance: Ray Eames drew on her training as a sculptor to design a new kind of occasional piece for the lobby of the Time-Life Building in New York City, and the resulting Eames walnut stools became her favorite seats, being liberally scattered about the Charles and Ray Eames home in Pacific Palisades. A museum curator once ordered two of these stools for his son and daughter. "Graduation gifts?" he was asked. "No," he said, "the kids are only five and three. But I want them to have the experience of growing up with something truly good that they can keep all their lives." Very rarely does something so small demand so much attention. Available in three distinct styles, these solid walnut stools possess an old-world charm combined with the intricate craftsmanship of modern design

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