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Job, 1889 - Canvas Poster 20" x 30"
Job, 1889 - Canvas Poster 20" x 30"
Job, 1889 - Canvas Poster 20" x 30"
Job, 1889 - Canvas Poster 20" x 30"
Job, 1889 - Canvas Poster 20" x 30"
Job, 1889 - Canvas Poster 20" x 30"
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Known as the father of the modern poster, Jules Cheret (1836 - 1932) was a French painter and lithographer. He worked on everything from theater to advertising. This poster features a typical Cherette - the female image for which Cheret was well known - a woman flaunting her sexuality and her elan (and smoking!). Cheret often put his women in yellow to show off their style, as well as his own ease with printing.. JOB rolling papers are a popular brand of cigarette paper produced by Republic Tobacco in Perpignan, France. In 1838, a French craftsman named Jean Bardou came up with the idea for a booklet of rolling papers made of thin, pure rice paper. The booklets were a success and Bardou's trademark, the initials "JB" separated by a diamond, became such a common sight that people began referring to them as JOB, thus the brand-name was born. By 1849 he filed for a patent for "Papier JOB".

Job, 1889 - Canvas Poster 20" x 30"
By, Inc.
Est. Delivery: May. 24 - Jun. 15 (to )
    Qty: 1

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    Known as the father of the modern poster, Jules Cheret (1836 - 1932) was a French painter and lithographer. He worked on everything from theater to advertising. This poster features a typical Cherette - the female image for which Cheret was well known - a woman flaunting her sexuality and her elan (and smoking!). Cheret often put his women in yellow to show off their style, as well as his own ease with printing.. JOB rolling papers are a popular brand of cigarette paper produced by Republic Tobacco in Perpignan, France. In 1838, a French craftsman named Jean Bardou came up with the idea for a booklet of rolling papers made of thin, pure rice paper. The booklets were a success and Bardou's trademark, the initials "JB" separated by a diamond, became such a common sight that people began referring to them as JOB, thus the brand-name was born. By 1849 he filed for a patent for "Papier JOB".

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