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Kaska Large Pistachio and Grey Bowl by Leili Design
Kaska Large Pistachio and Grey Bowl by Leili Design
Kaska Large Pistachio and Grey Bowl by Leili Design
Kaska Large Pistachio and Grey Bowl by Leili Design
Kaska Large Pistachio and Grey Bowl by Leili Design
Kaska Large Pistachio and Grey Bowl by Leili Design
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This gorgeous stoneware bowl from LeliliDesign is a piece you'll have for a lifetime, and will take you from fruit on your counter, to salad on your dinner table, and everything in between. Instead of keeping special pieces out of harm's way, up on a shelf and collecting dust, weave them into your everyday use for you and your family to enjoy often. Food prep, and food consumption, are visceral activities shared with loved ones and should be fully experienced with serving vehicles worthy of the grandest occasions.
Find similar, more affordable pieces at thrift stores, garage sales & flea markets, or raid your mother's closets. Every family has at least a few of these treasures knocking around (and usually collecting dust!).

Kaska Large Pistachio and Grey Bowl by Leili Design

    This gorgeous stoneware bowl from LeliliDesign is a piece you'll have for a lifetime, and will take you from fruit on your counter, to salad on your dinner table, and everything in between. Instead of keeping special pieces out of harm's way, up on a shelf and collecting dust, weave them into your everyday use for you and your family to enjoy often. Food prep, and food consumption, are visceral activities shared with loved ones and should be fully experienced with serving vehicles worthy of the grandest occasions.
    Find similar, more affordable pieces at thrift stores, garage sales & flea markets, or raid your mother's closets. Every family has at least a few of these treasures knocking around (and usually collecting dust!).

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    • Product Description
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    This gorgeous stoneware bowl from LeliliDesign is a piece you'll have for a lifetime, and will take you from fruit on your counter, to salad on your dinner table, and everything in between. Instead of keeping special pieces out of harm's way, up on a shelf and collecting dust, weave them into your everyday use for you and your family to enjoy often. Food prep, and food consumption, are visceral activities shared with loved ones and should be fully experienced with serving vehicles worthy of the grandest occasions.
    Find similar, more affordable pieces at thrift stores, garage sales & flea markets, or raid your mother's closets. Every family has at least a few of these treasures knocking around (and usually collecting dust!).

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