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L-VMR-SS-16WL Polished #12 Vessel Sink
L-VMR-SS-16WL Polished #12 Vessel Sink
L-VMR-SS-16WL Polished #12 Vessel Sink
L-VMR-SS-16WL Polished #12 Vessel Sink
L-VMR-SS-16WL Polished #12 Vessel Sink
L-VMR-SS-16WL Polished #12 Vessel Sink
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Natural stone strikes a balance between beauty and function. Each design is hand-hewn from 100% natural stone. Allstone mosaic vessel sinks are our only product that is not carved from one single piece of stone. Onyx was used in Egypt as early as the Second Dynasty to make bowls and other pottery items. Onyx is also mentioned in the Bible at various points, such as in Genesis 2:12 "and the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone", and such as the priests' garments and the foundation of the city of Heaven in Revelation.

L-VMR-SS-16WL Polished #12 Vessel Sink
Only 1 Left - Order soon!
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Est. Delivery: May. 25 - Jun. 3 (to )
    Qty: 1

    • Product Description
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    Natural stone strikes a balance between beauty and function. Each design is hand-hewn from 100% natural stone. Allstone mosaic vessel sinks are our only product that is not carved from one single piece of stone. Onyx was used in Egypt as early as the Second Dynasty to make bowls and other pottery items. Onyx is also mentioned in the Bible at various points, such as in Genesis 2:12 "and the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone", and such as the priests' garments and the foundation of the city of Heaven in Revelation.

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