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Modern Danish Design Duck Toy from Stardust
Modern Danish Design Duck Toy from Stardust
Modern Danish Design Duck Toy from Stardust
Modern Danish Design Duck Toy from Stardust
Modern Danish Design Duck Toy from Stardust
Modern Danish Design Duck Toy from Stardust
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Modern Danish Design Duck Toy from Stardust. The Ducks are reminiscent of Danish spring, with mother ducks waltzing proudly around Copenhagen with their young ducklings. One particular spring in 1959 branded this image into the minds of the Danish population, as during the busy days in Frederiksberg a policeman found the time to stop the traffic in order to let a young Duck family pass. It was an extraordinary and meaningful event to the by passers to the point that all the newspapers published a famous photograph of the ducks. This captured moment encapsulates the Danish attention to nature and detail and the ability to appreciate small everyday miracles. Inspired by the charming Duck family, Hans Bølling hence designed a pair of small wooden Duck figures, whose souls carry the essence of peaceful and harmonious Danish spring. Their smooth, wooden curvatures are simple yet sophisticated and inspire subdued serenity and harmony anywhere they are placed, just as they did in spring 1959. From

Modern Danish Design Duck Toy from Stardust

    Modern Danish Design Duck Toy from Stardust. The Ducks are reminiscent of Danish spring, with mother ducks waltzing proudly around Copenhagen with their young ducklings. One particular spring in 1959 branded this image into the minds of the Danish population, as during the busy days in Frederiksberg a policeman found the time to stop the traffic in order to let a young Duck family pass. It was an extraordinary and meaningful event to the by passers to the point that all the newspapers published a famous photograph of the ducks. This captured moment encapsulates the Danish attention to nature and detail and the ability to appreciate small everyday miracles. Inspired by the charming Duck family, Hans Bølling hence designed a pair of small wooden Duck figures, whose souls carry the essence of peaceful and harmonious Danish spring. Their smooth, wooden curvatures are simple yet sophisticated and inspire subdued serenity and harmony anywhere they are placed, just as they did in spring 1959. From

    Product ID
    Home Decor

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    Modern Danish Design Duck Toy from Stardust. The Ducks are reminiscent of Danish spring, with mother ducks waltzing proudly around Copenhagen with their young ducklings. One particular spring in 1959 branded this image into the minds of the Danish population, as during the busy days in Frederiksberg a policeman found the time to stop the traffic in order to let a young Duck family pass. It was an extraordinary and meaningful event to the by passers to the point that all the newspapers published a famous photograph of the ducks. This captured moment encapsulates the Danish attention to nature and detail and the ability to appreciate small everyday miracles. Inspired by the charming Duck family, Hans Bølling hence designed a pair of small wooden Duck figures, whose souls carry the essence of peaceful and harmonious Danish spring. Their smooth, wooden curvatures are simple yet sophisticated and inspire subdued serenity and harmony anywhere they are placed, just as they did in spring 1959. From

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