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Safavieh Martha Stewart Fretwork Rug, Beige and Terracotta, 2'7"x5'
Safavieh Martha Stewart Fretwork Rug, Beige and Terracotta, 2'7"x5'
Safavieh Martha Stewart Fretwork Rug, Beige and Terracotta, 2'7"x5'
Safavieh Martha Stewart Fretwork Rug, Beige and Terracotta, 2'7"x5'
Safavieh Martha Stewart Fretwork Rug, Beige and Terracotta, 2'7"x5'
Safavieh Martha Stewart Fretwork Rug, Beige and Terracotta, 2'7"x5'
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All of our hand-woven and hand-looped Martha Stewart Rugs represent the collaboration between the design experts at Martha Stewart and Safavieh's weavers. Their interpretation of each design makes every rug an entirely unique creation. And all of our rugs, including those that are machine-made, feature unmatched warmth, vitality, and character. We've also chosen wonderful colors and fine fibers, like cotton, wool, and silk, which offer exceptional luster, softness, and durability.

Safavieh Martha Stewart Fretwork Rug, Beige and Terracotta, 2'7"x5'
14 Reviews
$9557% Off
Est. Delivery: May. 13 - May. 21 (to )
    Qty: 1

    • Product Description
    • Product Specifications
    • Shipping and Returns
    All of our hand-woven and hand-looped Martha Stewart Rugs represent the collaboration between the design experts at Martha Stewart and Safavieh's weavers. Their interpretation of each design makes every rug an entirely unique creation. And all of our rugs, including those that are machine-made, feature unmatched warmth, vitality, and character. We've also chosen wonderful colors and fine fibers, like cotton, wool, and silk, which offer exceptional luster, softness, and durability.

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    At Houzz we want you to shop for Safavieh Safavieh Martha Stewart Fretwork Rug, Beige and Terracotta, 2'7"x5' part # MSR4121J-3 with confidence. You can read real customer reviews for this or any other product and even ask questions and get answers from us or straight from the brand. When you buy Safavieh Safavieh Martha Stewart Fretwork Rug, Beige and Terracotta, 2'7"x5' or any product product online from us, you become part of the Houzz family and can expect exceptional customer service every step of the way. If you have questions about Safavieh part # MSR4121J-3 or any other product for sale, our customer service team is eager to help.