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Tangerine Canary McKenzie Ottoman
Tangerine Canary McKenzie Ottoman
Tangerine Canary McKenzie Ottoman
Tangerine Canary McKenzie Ottoman
Tangerine Canary McKenzie Ottoman
Tangerine Canary McKenzie Ottoman
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Cozy up with our custom-made Tangerine Canary McKenzie Ottoman, handcrafted in the U.S.A. with cotton blend upholstery and nail head trim. Showcasing a stylized canary and floral motif in a bright tangerine hue, this plush ottoman makes a bold statement. Pair two ottomans for a dramatic "bench" at the foot of the bed. Shop our coordinating bed or headboard in the same custom fabric for a pulled together look.

Tangerine Canary McKenzie Ottoman

    Cozy up with our custom-made Tangerine Canary McKenzie Ottoman, handcrafted in the U.S.A. with cotton blend upholstery and nail head trim. Showcasing a stylized canary and floral motif in a bright tangerine hue, this plush ottoman makes a bold statement. Pair two ottomans for a dramatic "bench" at the foot of the bed. Shop our coordinating bed or headboard in the same custom fabric for a pulled together look.

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    • Product Description
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    • Shipping and Returns
    Cozy up with our custom-made Tangerine Canary McKenzie Ottoman, handcrafted in the U.S.A. with cotton blend upholstery and nail head trim. Showcasing a stylized canary and floral motif in a bright tangerine hue, this plush ottoman makes a bold statement. Pair two ottomans for a dramatic "bench" at the foot of the bed. Shop our coordinating bed or headboard in the same custom fabric for a pulled together look.

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