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"The Accolade" Stretched Canvas Replica, 23"x35"
"The Accolade" Stretched Canvas Replica, 23"x35"
"The Accolade" Stretched Canvas Replica, 23"x35"
"The Accolade" Stretched Canvas Replica, 23"x35"
"The Accolade" Stretched Canvas Replica, 23"x35"
"The Accolade" Stretched Canvas Replica, 23"x35"
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By Edmund Blair Leighton (1833-1922), in a Private Collection
An accolade was a ceremony that conferred knighthood in medieval times. This gentle maiden performs the ritual of knighting, lightly touching the candidate's shoulder with a sword. A highly romantic aspect pervades the entire work. Leighton was a meticulous craftsman, producing highly-finished, decorative paintings. He exhibited annually at the Royal Academy from 1878 to 1920. The authentic stretched canvas replica painting captures the original work's texture, depth of color, and even its bold brushstrokes, which are applied by hand exclusively for Design Toscano. Our replica European style, bright gold-toned, ribbed frame is cast in quality designer resin with an acanthus leaf and floret border that draws the eye toward the beautiful image. Large: 26"Wx39"H.

"The Accolade" Stretched Canvas Replica, 23"x35"
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Est. Delivery: May. 30 - Jun. 10 (to )
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    • Product Description
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    By Edmund Blair Leighton (1833-1922), in a Private Collection
    An accolade was a ceremony that conferred knighthood in medieval times. This gentle maiden performs the ritual of knighting, lightly touching the candidate's shoulder with a sword. A highly romantic aspect pervades the entire work. Leighton was a meticulous craftsman, producing highly-finished, decorative paintings. He exhibited annually at the Royal Academy from 1878 to 1920. The authentic stretched canvas replica painting captures the original work's texture, depth of color, and even its bold brushstrokes, which are applied by hand exclusively for Design Toscano. Our replica European style, bright gold-toned, ribbed frame is cast in quality designer resin with an acanthus leaf and floret border that draws the eye toward the beautiful image. Large: 26"Wx39"H.

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