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TPS Aqua 3-Drawer Filing Cabinet
TPS Aqua 3-Drawer Filing Cabinet
TPS Aqua 3-Drawer Filing Cabinet
TPS Aqua 3-Drawer Filing Cabinet
TPS Aqua 3-Drawer Filing Cabinet
TPS Aqua 3-Drawer Filing Cabinet
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My job is almost entirely digital, but that doesn't stop me from wanting a set of these robin's-egg blue beauties. A filing cabinet this size is perfect for sliding under a desk where it can be out of the way, but still provide a colorful peek of color.

TPS Aqua 3-Drawer Filing Cabinet

    My job is almost entirely digital, but that doesn't stop me from wanting a set of these robin's-egg blue beauties. A filing cabinet this size is perfect for sliding under a desk where it can be out of the way, but still provide a colorful peek of color.

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    My job is almost entirely digital, but that doesn't stop me from wanting a set of these robin's-egg blue beauties. A filing cabinet this size is perfect for sliding under a desk where it can be out of the way, but still provide a colorful peek of color.

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