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H2A Architects

H2A Architects

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About Us

Creativity comes in many forms. Whether it's finding the right construction detail or researching the building code to find the best compliance solution, we will work hard, using all of our skills, to make sure all options are considered to create the environment our clients are seeking. Woman Owned Small Business H2A Architects, Inc. is a federally certified Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business (EDWOSB). This makes H2A a perfect partner for federally funded projects. In addition to the EDWOSB status, we bring years of government and municipal experience having worked with the USPS, the State of Michigan, several Michigan counties, townships, and cities. We have also worked with various state and federal funding agencies. Deeper Dive Carrying additional certifications such as Certified Historic Preservation architect, Licensed Building Inspector, LEED Accredited Professionals, and NCARB the team at H2A provides enhanced knowledge in the field of Architecture. Our constant desire to learn more and understand our projects better leads us to seek additional knowledge through our own research, specialized training, and seminars. We also serve as teachers, lecturers, and volunteers within our community, gaining knowledge from these experiences that can be brought back into our work. An Artist's Approach While we consider the technical side of the business extremely important, what really brought us into the field of architecture was the appreciation of the artistry of the profession. Inspired by great architects, including our former mentors, we take the artists approach to design, considering each project a unique opportunity to expand the potential beyond what is expected. Each partner also seeks their own artistic opportunities. Whether painting, drawing, writing, photography, or constructing, we carry our design passion beyond outside the office. H2A? Just in case you were wondering about it, we are an H and 2 As. One Hoist and Two Ananichs (or Ananiches). Sure, there were a lot of other combinations but that was the one we liked the best. The logo is a bit retro, but it harkens back to our roots as young architects, when our first firm was on the Mod side of things with bell bottoms, side burns, and the whole thing!

Services Provided

Building Design

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Business Details

Business Name

H2A Architects

Phone Number

(810) 412-5640


Davison, MI


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