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Summer #5 fruit treeReport

Started planting apple trees in 2009. all bare root semi-d with heavy woodchip mulching. Many thanks to harvestman, fruitnut, and many others that have helped me.

2009 planting; about 50 apple trees. sandy soil that tested well. (no obvious deficiencies) Multiple varieties with overlapping flowering periods. Only a handful of apples from original planting. Development of these trees was stunted by inadequate watering and nitrogen deficiency which was figured out 2 years ago. Seem to be doing much better now and next year looks good depending on weather (of course) About 15 trees that were transplanted last spring have done better. Got some nice Macintosh, Lodi, and Snowsweet. Snowsweet were the best tasting.

Some suspicion that pollinating in the original planting is deficient. There are several crabapple trees in the transplant area which may have helped the transplant trees significantly. Will probably plant a couple crabapple in the original planting area next spring.

2010 planting Honeygold, cortland. a couple dozen apples off of each tree. Not enough data to know if they'll yield every year. Honeygold very tasty. Cortland seem average.

2011 planting approx. 50 cherry trees, mostly Van cherry on std. rootstock with several pollinators mixed in. Roughly 1/4 of the trees have died, remainder seem to be doing well with lots of growth. Don't expect any fruit for a couple of more years.

2012 summercrisp and Patten pear. seem to be doing well. Contender & Reliance Peach not expecting much here.

2012 25 montmorency cherry and 20 Honeycrisp. cherry trees look good, got a few cherries this year. Honeycrisp results mixed; one row growing well, the other 20' away significantly less growth. Not sure whats going on with the slower growing ones; same supplier, same planting time, same everything.

2012 - 8 trees (NW Greening and I forget what else) along the outside edge of a pond dike which is supposed to be too wet but trees have done very well. GOt some apples this year and expect them to do well next year.

2013 - no planting this year due to foot surgery in Feb. Deer damage drastically increased this year; I think because my free ranging hunting dog is 14 now and doesn't get around like she used to. Using repellent deer spray and orchardist urine which seems to be working.

Since I started this I've "solved" (at least temporarily) an eastern tent caterpillar problem and have great success 2 years in row with a 3 spray program of fungicide before petal fall and "Once and Done" twice after petal fall.

Seems like going forward I'll be dealing with a new or resurgent pest each year. Giving away a lot of apples.

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