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Sprinkler & Timer types - recommendations?

12 years ago

Hello. We have a new construction about to be landscaped. August certainly not my preference, but we have no control. We are not planning for irrigation, but do want to water so that we have a little sod established in the beginning. Here were are mid-Atlantic, zone 6b or 7a, not sure yet the microclimate.

Anyway, I am more of an herb & tomato person. This will be my first time "growing grass", but I do know a little:

- Water very early morning;

- Water more deeply, and less frequently, to teach the roots to go deeper;

- Keep mower blade higher, keeps grass cooler;

- Guess I will learn more as I continue to lurk here.

Question is, until we move in, I need to set up an "establish the lawn" watering routine. I am expecting to be able to have two hoses, each with a timer at the spout. Each hose should have some type of watering device at the end. For the first (week?) period of time, and weather contingent, I expect the water to be able to come on by itself for a period of time, water the lawn, then shut off with no issues.

Having never done this, it makes sense. But I'm asking - does anyone know of two items in particular?

First, the watering device - what do you recommend?

I've seen tripod stands that spit water in an arc.

I've seen those left-to-right arc "sprinklers" that we used to run through as kids.

Which is best?

Secondly, the timer device. Before, I've done this where you turn it on, and it stays on for an hour or so, then shuts off. I've done that for tomatoes, but that means I have to BE THERE to turn it on. We live 30 miles from the new construction. I can be there every 2 or 3 days to move the hose around, but I can NOT go by every morning and turn the water on.

Is there any sort of dependable, affordable, simple timer device that you recommend?


Comments (5)

  • 12 years ago

    Bummer on the timer. You can look at your options on Amazon but I have yet to see a truly "good" watering timer. You will likely just have to find one that suits your needs and hope the company stands behind their product. This one looks like the best, but still it's $30 some dollars. I have used the Melnor one and it worked for me. However, I borrowed it and the person whose it is has had it replaced a time or two (at least they replaced it). Either one should work, though.

    As for the sprinkler, it depends on your budget. I love this kind (they have several different sizes), because it is extremely adjustable and doesn't have an arc on either end like the typical, less expensive ones do. For my large yard, I use the old style impact sprinklers for the most part. They are relatively cheap and I just replace them WHEN (not "if") they break. I do like Nelson's Contour Master though. Check your Walmart, I think they carry this one cheaper.

    A lot of it depends on the size of your yard and your budget.

    Good for you for watering. The sod will go to waste otherwise.

  • 12 years ago

    BassPlayer, thanks so much for giving me somewhere to start! Both the Nelson and the Gardena have good reviews, and based on the coverage, could see immediately where I could use one of each. I neglected to mention the volume of sodded area (well, it's only been estimated so far, not defined) but it's a basic front rectangle, then wrap-around corner - the house sits on about 3/4 acre (on a 3 acre lot with woods & non-sod areas). To me one of each seems perfect. I just need to measure - I have no idea how far 90 feet is, LOL.

    And the timers - if they come on more than once, I win. The old one I have was a once-set-one-run type, but then I could hardly afford anything more then, so....

    We'll see if anyone else chimes in during the next week or so. And YES, watering is key! The only thing worse than doing a sod install in August to me, would be doing one in JULY. Figure it's only for a month or so, then we'll be moved in and relatively sane......

    Thanks again!! Entertaining more info if anyone else would like to be the voice of experience. Thanks!

  • 12 years ago

    This is the timer I will buy next. The one I have now is not accepting the times right. I've had it for a few years and never really like the way you programmed it. The Orbit in the link is very highly rated.

    This is the sprinkler I have homed in on. I have three of them now. I've used every type of sprinkler, twice. The oscillator is the only one that I do not have to follow up during the week to hit the dry spots. All the others miss areas. Plus we are restricted to only 7 hours, one day per week to water, so we don't have luxury to go out and hit the dry spots.

  • 12 years ago

    Why not snake a weeping hose back and forth underground. That way you can water anytime and no one will know. I did this years ago in the front, not due to water restrictions but did not want to get my truck wet when parked in driveway.

  • 12 years ago

    The mistake I see people making with the black plastic weeping type hoses is they turn the water on too hard at the faucet. I have had excellent success with the drip hoses when the water at the faucet was only dribbling out at 1 cup per minute. The hose I was using was 75 feet long. I left the water running day and night for a week.