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for those who missed it

15 years ago

the wild party held at blueberry while the rest of the known world was at Chicago that is. here is a pix of where we were.

(actually i just want to practise my picture skills-or lack of)


okay, i'm done playing....for now...


Comments (23)

  • wendy_cat
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    aw come on!
    not one person remembers the wild cyber party we held here for 3 full days while most of the gang partied for real in Chicago?
    heck, some of you are *still* getting mail here!

  • lindajewell
    15 years ago

    I remember!!! We had so much fun, brought lots of stuff to the party also. My friend and I brought the Captn' (captain morgan spiced rum that is), someone put music up, I believe there was a campfire started and lots and lots of laughs! Oh yes, I remember, that was when this place was always fun to come to.......serious threads were posted and discussed, but there were threads started for sheer purpose of having fun!
    I remember having a little too much Captn' and posting the entire story about Jack Schitt and his family!

  • agnespuffin
    15 years ago

    Oh sure I remember. I spent one of those nights sleeping in the woods with Rev's pack of dogs. I still say that g'ann could have let us inside instead of making us use that privy out back. Now, it was a great privy as privies go, but I really wanted a look inside that house. It looked so good from the outside. Her excuse was that she didn't want to upset the 1,403 cats in the den. They weren't used to so many strangers.

    Who brought the keg of home-brewed beer? Was it any good? By the time I got finished with Linda's stuff, I could have swallowed anything.

  • lindajewell
    15 years ago

    Oh yes, Rev and his dogs! How many dogs did he have, can't remember, but I think g'ann took the prize with her 1403 cats! Okay g'ann, we need to make another reservation for Blueberry and have another party. Only this time could we please use the indoor privy? There are strange sounds on that mountain of yours and they are worse when ones pants are down in the outdoor privy!

  • wendy_cat
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    well now that's much better. for a minute there i thought i dreamt the whole thing.
    aileen and gang, sorry about the outhouse, but the house was brand new at the time ya understand....i couldnt have a bunch of drunks....i mean, i couldnt have people running back and forth wearing out the carpet. it's older now tho, so maybe.......nah,....still cant upset the cats.
    aileen, the inside of the house is nothing to write home should know, i seen you sticking your head in the windows at all hours of the night. bill still hasnt recovered from that one!i'll give ya this much: you certainly have some unusual night wear...

  • agnespuffin
    15 years ago

    g'ann, I had completly forgotten about that nightwear! I probably shouldn't have taken it, but the DH assured me that Leathers were what Everyone was wearing. Personally, I always thought that the garter belt and net stockings were a bit much. I'll say one thing for it. The fleas and ticks that I picked up from the furry ones couldn't get under those tight fitting duds.

    Was Blueberry Hill where we had to wash up in the pond in the back? I just remember that while I didn't mind skinny dipping, the water was COLD. My goose bumps looked more like goose eggs.

  • lindajewell
    15 years ago

    I'm not washin' up in the cold again, I can tell ya that! Parts of me froze that I did not think could freeze, if ya know what I mean! and don't forget the darn bear lurking around looking for tasty little morsels.....and he wasn't lookin' for the cats! and g'ann, I know you wanted your privacy and all but geesh, ya could of let us in when the bear was close by.........but I guess with a thousand cats snuggled in all warm and cozy there was not much room.

  • wendy_cat
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    the reason the water was soooo cold aileen, is because it was a mountain stream, not a pond. goodness, some of you were really drinking waaaay too much!
    i dont know what you want, linda jewel! i gave the guns, didnt i? one bear cant win against all them dogs and a shotgun! tho he did a good job didnt he? ROTFL, i thing you guys should have left his corn alone, it wasnt like you didnt have enought to eat.......anyway, if your aim had been a little better ya could of had bear meat all weekend...

  • Josh
    15 years ago

    I think that bear is thinking "If those flatlanders want popcorn they can just forget it"...LOL Was this a young one, g? And is that really a pile of corn put out for him? josh

  • lindajewell
    15 years ago

    josh, she was tryin' to entice that bear to get closer to us, wanted to see what we would do, especially us "city" folk! LOL!
    These are the kinds of fun threads we use to have here, these were the ones where we all let our hair down and just had plain ole fun! People have asked, "what was so special about the GP back then", well this is a big part of it! Letting go of that oh so serious side and getting down to our imaginations, letting go, having fun.
    Today everyone seems so serious, like they are afraid that someone might think less of them if they join in on a little nonsense.......
    We really did have a "cyber" party when a large group was meeting in Chicago. Many of us could not go so we made our own fun here and it went on for an entire weekend. These are the days that many of us miss because we could let our hair down, forget the serious for a while and engage in a little nonsense.

  • anneliese_32
    15 years ago

    Well, I remember that party. I sat in a tree on the fringes, afraid to join because I did not know anybody, but somebody should have heard me laughing my head off.

  • lindajewell
    15 years ago

    AhHa! It was you we heard! We wondered where that snickering was coming from but we were too afraid to go investigate 'cause of that darn bear, thought maybe it was laughing at us thinking what a good snack we would make!

  • agnespuffin
    15 years ago

    Actually, I don't think she would have had to do anything to get that bear to come closer. He seemed to be unnaturally drawn to that real hairy guy.....oh, shoot! I thought I would never forget that name.....Anyway, I just felt that all that hair would be attractive to a bear, maybe. It certainly didn't do a thing for me. I didn't especially like the way his mouth gaped open either. That string of drool hanging off his chin sort of seemed excessive. Maybe the bear thought they could be real buddies.

    Anneliese...I'm so sorry I missed greeting you. We knew we had some shy ones up in the trees, but as far as I know, you seemed to be the only one that was enjoying themself. Maybe next time you can bring yourself to climb down. Bring a friend too.

  • wendy_cat
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    it was a young one, jo. and there is a pretty good story behind that which i probably told you all at one time or another. the corn is for the deer but twice a year the daoggone bear come in and then we have to not feed the deer for a few days till they leave . i never thought of bear being migratory, but i dont know why else they would only be around at certain times. it is always in early spring and then, again in fall.
    anneliese, sitting in trees around here can be a little dangerous. special when the rev brings his beebee guns
    aileen, that was my husband!!
    seriously, if i couldnt let go and let my imagination run wild sometimes, i think i would go crazy. life isnt always what we thought it would be , is it?

  • Josh
    15 years ago

    I guess bears are like Garden Partiers...they go where the fun and good eats can be found. Fall migration starts soon..are you ready for the invasion?? LOL josh

  • lindajewell
    15 years ago

    Yeah and she wants us all to come and party there while they are "migrating"! And remember, g'ann won't let us in the house, too afraid of us rowdy gp'ers!

  • lindac
    15 years ago

    I don't know nuffin...I was in Chicago hangin' out in the bar with Marie and Bill...
    Ann had left by then....or maybe not....who took the picture?

  • wendy_cat
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    marie has some nifty hats, doesnt she?
    we havent seen any bear in about a year, jo. i dont know if they changed their moving habits or found a place they like so much they just stayed. now it's coyotes...

  • Josh
    15 years ago

    Well. I want to know if your DH is still experimenting with biofuels...those big copper vats and pipes fascinated me when I ran across them way back in the woods.....lovely patina on the copper, you know...and it was explained that just one quart Mason jar full would get your 4-wheel drive really revved up. Of course Rev and the guys were interested when I mentioned the apparatus but were warned that the bear was lured there as protection against the secret processs getting out until it was perfected. And we were all sworn to secrecy but surely the patent has now been applied for with gasoline prices being so high and all. I just think it was so patriotic of you both to be involved so early in biofuels. josh

  • lindajewell
    15 years ago

    Ya sure that mason jar full was for the 4-wheel drive? Seems to me if Rev and the guys were that interested it may have been more like the "recipe". Now we know where ya'll wander off to and perhaps why ya'll were a tad bit more tipsy when ya returned! and maybe why Rev's dogs were no good at keeping that bear away..........probably had a little sniff or two of that "biofuel"

  • agnespuffin
    15 years ago

    I couldn't figure why that fuel made the jeep steer so badly. That road down the side of the hill was just too narrow for that sort of thing. We should have planned on giving a prize to the first person that could get down without going into the ditch. You really need to get Bill to widen that drive. Not all of your guests were happy enough to pretend to be tow trucks. happy? Yes. Happy enough? not quite.

    I think we got the biofuel mixed up with the watermelon punch.

  • lindajewell
    15 years ago

    Well if a certain someone had put more biofuel in the tank instead of themself that truck might have gone down that hill a little better...........

  • wendy_cat
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    ohhh, you laughed at me then, didnt ya? dont see anyone laughing that gas is...what is gas nowadays? i dont use it ya know. i am using that stuff you all made fun of.
    and linda, going down our drive way is a *lot* easier if one that fuel is mixed half and half....half for the car and half for the driver, that is!

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