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It was so hot in those days, and I was so busy that

16 years ago

I did not investigate why my supernova and creamsicle died at about 4 feet of height. They came in a 4 inch pot and were growing well in their 30 gallon pot,when their foliage started to droop. I gave them a LOT of water over the next week but no luck. I used a shovel handle to penetrate the soil in several spots, more water, no luck. Miracle grow, no luck.

The pots are sitting on concrete in front of my picture window in front of my house, which faces west, and they got hot and bright sun here in southern Mississippi. They were planted in MG potting soil and mostly got Osmocote fertilizer weekly, I don't know if these variables are important, since 3 others in 30 gallon pots, all planted in a row, north to south, now reach the roof of the house and bloom themselves to pieces.

The ones who are doing well are Charles Grimaldi, Frosty Pink, and Jamaica Yellow. Sometimes I wonder if CG and JY are actually different plants. I got them from a reliable and well thought-of dealer, but the blooms look exactly the same--yellow and pink.

I can use the help if you have some advice or suggestions.

In the spring do I need to get a white, other than supernova and to not get a creamsicle?



Comments (16)

  • fool4flowers
    16 years ago

    Jim, I am new at this and probably not a lot of help but I think I read on another forum that someone had a creamsickle that needed some afternoon shade. Maybe they got too much sun?

  • jeep461
    16 years ago

    Yep, You did better than me my creamsicle died real young. I had a Dr. Seuss just die one day. I was big in the ground next to its brothers that were doing just fine. I thought it would come back. Temps got cooler it sprouted from the base then the plant broke apart. None of my whites yet are performers. I am hoping my new ones from wildflower will be the ones. Most Plants do not like the coast.

  • wildflower
    16 years ago

    S-Jim, Maybe it's like J-Jim, said and those particular brugs don't like the heat. And it could be as F4F said, that they would've done better with some shade. I don't grow either of those so couldn't say.

    About CG and JY...Mine are nothing at all alike and neither have even a hint of pink. JY has smallish blooms (smaller than most of my others) and not much of a scent unless you've got your nose right up in the bloom. It also shreds occasionally which I do not like, but that's because I can't figure out why that happens! CG has much larger blooms that mature to orange. It blooms like crazy and you can smell it 20 feet or more away.

  • sibhskylvr
    16 years ago


    I've read about the JY having shredded blooms. Seems like Ruth Ann posted in a thread awhile back that it could be a drop in late night temperatures or possibly a type of virus. Some also say it's a characteristic of the JY itself. Some even like the shredded look! :) Maybe someone else can shed more light on this for you!


  • wildflower
    16 years ago

    Mike, I might like the shredded look better if I knew for sure that it wasn't a virus!! But really, it's still kind of strange-looking to me. Just glad it's the only brug that does that. I've seen posts about it before and just like you said, temps, virus, etc. were all brought up but it seems no one really knows for sure...

  • shortyhead
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    just went out to smell my brug blooms. Both the JY and the CG have intensely fragrant blooms, and they smell alike to me. Don't what shredding looks like, but both appear normal. Blooms are very large. Does this sound like my JY and CG are actually both CG?

    And of course the ones that died are creamsicle and supernova.


  • zeta9
    16 years ago

    Some brugs can apparently just collapse overnight and die. Check the soil for evidence of pathogenic fungi causing diseases like fusarium wilt. "Supernova" is not a weak brug and is certainly one that relishes great amount of water although it would just droop when the air becomes drier and hotter than usual.

  • shortyhead
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Thanks, Zeta. How would I go about checking the soil for pathogenic fungi?


  • karyn1
    16 years ago

    CG and JY don't look alike and I don't think they smell alike either. JY is a very intense yellow and CG is a peachy color. I think the CG has a spicier scent as well but the CG, JY and FP are three of the hardiest brugs that I know of. My Creamsickle does well in full sun but isn't as big as many of my others. I really have no idea why your brugs died but a fungus does sound like a possibility. I don't care for MG products and use other fertilizers but seriously doubt that they had anything to do with your problem. I get shredded and other bloom deformities in response to extreme temp changes and the blooms go back to normal with the next flush. I don't think it's a disease but a response to temp and maybe humidity.

  • wildflower
    16 years ago

    Jim, you may never actually know what either of yours are... If they both look and smell the same then you definatly don't have one of each.

    Here's a pic of JY

    And CG

    In the JY photo, there are about maybe 6 shredded blooms, but this isn't the greatest pic and I don't think I got any close-ups of them. My little brain still can't comprehend why with 50 blooms all basically opening at the same time, only 6 would be shredded. If it was temp changes, seems like they would all shred. I kind of like the theory that it's a just characteristic of JY!! I believe it was KHT that said she got rid of anything with shredded blooms because she thought it may be a virus... Whatever it is, as long as none of my other brugs start shredding I will probably keep the JY around.

  • chena
    16 years ago

    WF!! I am hoping that my JY (Thanks...) has shredded blooms...LOL Your plant looks very healthy .. You would think a virus would affect more than just a few blooms..

  • shortyhead
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    LOL, it never occurred to me that I might not ever know the name. I always just assumed that someone, and maybe I, would figure it out.

    Reminds me that nearly 20 years ago our new marriage therapist said to to my first wife and me, "Let's see, you've seen two other marriage therapists over a period of seven years. Did it ever occur to you that this might not work?"

    My instant response was, "Well, NO-o-o, I thought marriage therapy could eventually fix anything." True story. Dumbass, I know. I don't know where I had gotten such an idea. Probably just welled up out of my sense of optimism and determination. I know, I can hardly believe it myself. Live and learn.

    Great photos, wildflower. Pray tell, what is a "shredded" bloom. Thank y'all for helping me figure out if I have two CGs or a CG and a JY. I'm on my way outside to look and smell.


  • karyn1
    16 years ago

    I'd only get shredded blooms on some blooms, not all and it happened mainly with the Jamaica Yellow. I know a number of others who have had the same thing happen with their JY.

  • wildflower
    16 years ago

    Good point Chena! I'd think either a virus or temp changes would affect all of the blooms and not just a few, but I could be totally wrong about that. So this has me thinking (scary). Do either the parents or any children of JY also shred? Could it simply be something genetic? Not knowing for sure what it is bothers me to the point that I don't like the shredded blooms. Crazy...

    Jim, I take so many pics that I can't keep up with them and can't find one of JY shredding. Did a quick search on ebay and see 2 listings for shredded white's there. Both of those look like doubles..Well not sure about one of them, but it makes the shredding look more intersting.

  • fool4flowers
    16 years ago

    (Frowning) I just ordered a shredded white. It better not ve a virus!

  • shortyhead
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Thank you, Wildflower and Karyn, I went out last evening and brought the blooms in, and I do in fact have a CG AND a JY. Then I watched the weather forecast for last night. We had our first freeze.

    So, I brought my new buckets in the kitchen, got my loppers and rose pruners out, and started bringing in brug trunks and limbs. Now my kitchen counters look like several of your greenhouses.

    Glad that I figured out last week what "above the Y" meant, and now I have above the Y cuttings, as well as 4 foot sections of the trunks in a new white garbage can. I left some trunks and blooming parts on the plants in case the 31 degrees temp does not put the plants into dormancy.

    Now I feel more a part of the brug experience, a process that only started this past spring. This is such fun.

    I'm so glad that there are so many delightful people on this forum. It makes life better.
