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HAVE: dwarf ponciana seeds

It's that time of year again, when I have lots of dwarf ponciana seeds. I saw a hummer in mine just last week, and monarchs in it today, though the blooms are finally starting to peter out. If you're looking for a no-care, small tree that blooms for an extended season, shoot me an email and I'll throw some seeds in the mail. My tree is four years in the ground, starting as a 1-foot seedling, and we can walk under it now. It naturally grows as a bush, but trains easily into a standard, with not a single shoot from the bottom in over a year now. I've never watered or fertilized it. And it has no pests.

I'm still focused on vegetable gardening at the moment, so any seeds you have from something you absolutely loved would be great. And my front yard needs some work, so if you've got some easy flower seeds, sure, I'll take them. I'm thinking I should put in some milkweed for the butterflies if anyone has seeds.

If you don't have anything, email anyway. I have lots of seeds and it's such a pretty tree, filled with butterflies, and even a pair of Amazon parrots every so often. I'm happy to share.

susannahnesmith (at)

