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Is it just me?... (off topic)

13 years ago

Or is there anyone else out there that HATES the time change? I hate it getting dark so early! I don't have the time in the early evening to do my garden chores. I know there are kids that have to stand in the dark to go to school, but I don't understand, when I went to school back in the dark ages, we never had to. And we went full time. And my eyes flap open at 3:00 now, thinking it's really 4:00, the usual time we get up around here. By 9:00 at night I'm dead! Who started this anyway?? And I think it's really bad for the body to change the time around like this, even the animals are bummed out. I volunteer for an agency for adults with developmental disabilities, I help with the equine therapy program, and the horses are so crabby now because they aren't being fed when they think it's time to be fed. Anyone else bummed out with this?

Comments (13)

  • billbrandi
    13 years ago

    I agree wholeheartedly. I just got home from work, intending to putter around in the garden and, it was already dark! So I decided to take the dogs for a walk and, they were already sacked out, as if ready for bedtime.

    We Americans successfully fought off the metric system; we can beat this time change thing also.

    So, take my poll; let's see who is with us:

  • cjc45
    13 years ago

    Yes, I think we should have DST in the winter. I mean, who needs more sunshine in the summer?!!

  • User
    13 years ago

    try dealing with three dogs that are trained to not want food till five o'clock! driving us nuts the last couple days.....plants are all cool with it:) off topic is good some my dogs, hate gren beans......big:)

  • coffeemom
    13 years ago

    I always remember Day light Savings starting the 1st weekend of April and ending the 1st weekend in October. The days would then get shorter or longer with the season. Now that it's been changed to start in March and end the last weekend in October it seems less natural and more abrupt. Then again there's only so much light to stretch in December so it will get dark early.Of course if you're up North, it's cold and you want to stay indoors already.
    I vote DLS year round in South Florida!!!!!

  • loufloralcityz9
    13 years ago

    My suggestion is split the difference and move it only one half hour and just leave it there forever or just move the dang school hours and leave my hours the hell alone. I was just barely getting used to the last time change. This has to be a plot against old people to keep them confused as to when their nap times are.


  • suddensam
    13 years ago

    You go Lou.
    Plant em if you got em.

  • sharbear50
    13 years ago

    I agree too. Some states don't stand for this, like Indiana from what I have heard. Anyone here know if this is true. It is BS if you ask me.

  • User
    13 years ago

    Blame it on Ben Franklin.

  • olyagrove
    13 years ago

    Not crazy about time change either. Especially since there is not much time for yardwork after work.

    We Americans successfully fought off the metric system
    That, unfortunately, you did. Metric system just makes too much sense :)

  • stuartwanda
    13 years ago

    Time change doesn't affect me anymore since I don't work, but it's a good thing my dogs can't talk, they don't like it!

  • ellen17
    13 years ago

    There is no reason for kids to be walking and standing out in the dark waiting for a bus. I try to rethink my retirement attitude. I love to get out in the garden towards evening and hate the early dark, but it is dangerous to start school travel before it gets light. You would think there be some solution by the talking heads on this.

  • babalu_aye
    13 years ago

    I like Daylight Savings Time. It's the Standard Time I don't like. Just remember, if we didn't switch the clocks twice a year then we'd be stuck with Standard Time all the time. I can't wait til we switch ahead to DST again in March.

    Concerning the Metric System, why would we want anything so logical? It's much more fun to try to remember how many feet in a mile, pints in a gallon, teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, etc, etc. ;)


  • dirtygardener73
    13 years ago

    Yeah, I hate it too. Just when it gets cool enough to work in the yard, it gets dark.