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Hosta garden pics at a (semi) local nursery...

10 years ago

HI. Last weekend I took my mom to a nusery that has a beautiful hosta garden. I have been working on her gardens, which were really neglected for a long time. She has a shaded area perfect for hosta but she wasn't sold on the idea so I was hoping if she saw some mature ones she might get on board. It worked - we came away with some nice plants for her. I took some pics of thier (the nursery) gardens and wanted to share...
My only complaint is that the plants aren't labeled there.

Sagae, I believe?

Here is a planted hillside...the photo doesn't do this justice

Striptease and maybe an elegans? Not sure about the big blue...

I know I see a June here, and a halcyon maybe? Gosh - so many others I have no idea....

I really enjoyed going there - I only recently found out about this place - I have a feeling I could blow my whole paycheck there in about 10 minutes. I could have taken a ton of pics but they were getting crowded. It seemed like they really care about their plants so I am hoping we won't have to worry about hvx or other problems.

I will have to make another post later with pics of the plants we got for her- they are on her camera and I forgot to download them before I left. But she got a HUGE Golden Meadows; Lakeside Beach Captain; Empress Wu and some others. Will put the completed garden pics up soon also; but its pouring rain here today so it may be a while! Thanks for looking!

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