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HAVE: White spider lily - Hymenocallis

18 years ago


White spider lily - Hymenocallis - summer blooming - huge, tantalizing-fragrant white flowers that are nearly 7 inches wide. Has deep green, sword-like foliage and 2-foot tall stems and usually bear from two to nine fragrant flowers. Full to part sun. My die down each winter and come back each year...very low maintenance and self-muliply. Spider lilies are perfect around water features in the landscape. They excel in a tropical-style garden with bananas, elephant ears and ferns. Louisiana iris lovers may want to have bold drifts of white spider lilies separating some of that plant's bright purples, blues or yellows. These are well established bulbs. Would like plants from my WANT list, but I'm open, please ask.


Lily, Monte Negro

Lily, American Spirit

Lily, American Dream

Lily, American Ingenuity

Voodoo Lily - (Amorphophallus bulbifer) 'Ab Ba Ka Dabra'


Amaryllis -lemon-lime

Amaryllis - Papillio

Amaryllis - San Antonio

Amaryllis - Germa

Amaryllis - Lima

Amarylis - Belladonna - (pink)

Pineapple Lily (Eucomis)

Colocasia gigantea 'Giant Elephant Ear'

Vine - Crossvine - (Bignonia capreolata)

Banana pup - Cavendish

Banana pup - Texas Star

Banana pup - Variegated

Banana pup - Raja Puri

Banana pup -

Hosta - 'Fragrant Blue'

Hosta - 'Fragrant Bouquet'

Hosta - 'Fried Bananas'

Hosta - 'Galaxy Light'

Hosta - 'Guacamole'

Hosta - 'Austin Dickinson'

Hosta - 'Stained Glass"

Iris - Chrysographes (black)

German Iris - Snow Mountain (white/dark blue)

German Iris - Cimarron Strip

Dutch Iris - Eye of the Tiger - (brown/blue)

Dutch Iris - Oriental Beauty (yellow blue)

Calla Lily

Lily - Acapulco Lady - (hot pink)

Acanthus (Bears Breech)-spinosus - (mauve)

Alstroemeria (Sweet Laura) (yellow)

Hardy Cyclamen

Hardy Fuchsia

Jack in the Pulpit - Cobra lily

Lily of the Valley -convallaria majalis

Trailing Strawberries 'Bakker's Kingsize'

Arisarum proboscideum (Mouse Plant)

Crinum Lily 'Sangria'

Crinum Lily 'Stars and Stripes'

Crinum Lily 'Carnival'

Iris laevigata 'Variegata' (Striped Water Iris)









Misty Blue

Dryland Blueberries(V. pallidum Ait)

Honeyberry, 'Berry Blue'

Honeyberry, 'Blue Belle'

I'm open, make me an offer...thanks!


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