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Who had that beautiful raised bed garden last year?

13 years ago

I've been searching but can't find it. Someone here showed pics of a beautifully kept garden, trim & neat, in wooden (I think?) raised beds last year. It took up a good chunk of their back yard.

I wanted to show hubby that pic to discuss some of what I want in back but now can't find it.


Comments (17)

  • p_mac
    13 years ago

    Diane - are you thinking of Jo Ellen's? I think she posted pics of her raised beds in her back yard at the end of the growing season last year.

    I've attached a link. I also found one that she posted last year of the most colorful garden fence when I searched.


    Here is a link that might be useful: Jo Ellen's fall garden update

  • carsons_mimi
    13 years ago

    I remember thinking Larry's (slowpoke_gardner) garden was also very nice. Although I can't remember if his were raised beds, they were extremely neat and well maintained. I remember seeing several pics of what seemed like miles of greens, potato vines, etc.

    I keep wishing I had much more room to grow things -- right up until Dawn starts talking about venomous snakes hanging out at her place. It's only then I remember I'm a city dweller for a reason!


  • owiebrain
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    That was it, Paula, thanks! There was an even better pic from spring or early summer, I think, that I was thinking of but those are the same garden and worked great for showing hubby. He and I speak different languages so I find it very helpful to have pics to show him. We rarely talk to each other in hand without pen and paper for diagrams. Diagrams are the secret to a good marriage, I tell you!

    Lynn, Larry's garden is gorgeous! And I love his watering set up! I ran across his pics as I was searching for Joellen's earlier.

    I finally dragged hubby's butt outside this morning (with pen, paper, and 100' tape measure in hand!), drudged through several inches of freshly fallen snow, and finally got accurate measurements of the back section of property. Can you guess what I'll be doing all afternoon instead of housework and schoolwork? That's right! I'll be bonding with a new stack of graph paper! :-D


  • Okiedawn OK Zone 7
    13 years ago


    I have a new snake solution. Attach 1/4" hardware cloth or even deer netting to the lower couple of feet of the woven-wire garden fence with zip ties. The "stupid" snakes try to crawl through the hardware cloth, get stuck and die before you realize they are there. Then, scream for your hubby or adult male child to "Come get this snake out of my garden fence. It looks hideous and is grossing me out." We "caught" and disposed of quite a few snakes that way in 2010.

    My bigger problem was the water moccasin who took up residence in my lily pond this year. I won't even go into the details, but he upset me terribly several times by popping up and scaring me (how close is "too close" about just a few inches from your hand). He also kept eating my frogs.

    Tim was on a trip and came home shortly after the snake moved into the lily pond. As he was walking past the pond, which sits alongside the pathway between the house and the detached garage, that snake popped up and showed himself. Tim walked into the house, sat down his suitcase, picked up a gun, went outside and shot it. Now, that's a very helpful hubby!

    Diane, So are you going to tell us how big it is going to be?????


  • owiebrain
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    Well.... LOL Rough dimensions will be 150' deep by 200' wide. That doesn't include any of the fruit tree areas or berry patches to come, just veggies and some of the herbs. Um, then there will be a bit more room for a few extra things in the front yard. And side yards. We simply must have a few snacking tomatoes on every side of the house. Being outside is hard work and what if we're too famished to make it to the big garden? Why, we'd perish right there on the spot if not for my forward thinking!

    (Don't tell hubby but you know I'll eventually win over other parts of the property as we go along. This little 30,000 square feet kitchen garden is but the beginning...)

    Dawn, I'll be happy to just read about your Wild Kingdom this year instead of experiencing my own. I know there are a few nasty things everywhere but I'm thrilled that there are no mountain lions (at least not terribly often) lurking in my woods or a wall-to-wall carpet of copperheads laying in the leaf litter everywhere I turn. *shudder* Much more civilized up here and I'm rather happy about that part of it!


  • biradarcm
    13 years ago

    Diane, way to go! I will follow your footprints... I will be measuring my backyard this weekend to plan new garden beds. Jo Ellen's fall garden pics are awesome.

    Do you think its good idea start new post on "From Grass to Garden" or something like that... I below many will follow you... Thank you -Chandra

  • mrsfrodo
    13 years ago

    LOL- "(Don't tell hubby but you know I'll eventually win over other parts of the property as we go along. This little 30,000 square feet kitchen garden is but the beginning...)"

    We may lose a few short term, temparary battles, but they just don't want to admit that we have already won war. Lost a battle- no problem- there's already enough waiting to do this year. Next year, he won't remember what the battles were fought over. Little be little, the empire of THE GARDEN takes new territory and expands. All will assimilate to Green Thumb Citizens.

  • owiebrain
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    All Hail the Mighty Thumb!

    *genuflects in green respect*

  • joellenh
    13 years ago

    Oh wow, I'm so flattered that someone other than me remembers and loves my garden!

    I haven't fallen off of the face of the earth, but it's winter and all, so I took a break. Now I am looking at seed catalogs and drooling and plan to try my hand at winter sowing any time now.

    My husband has got it into his head that he wants to build a new house....Which means moving. I worked so hard on my garden and it will be even nicer this year. I surrounded the edges with blueberry and blackberry bushes last fall! So I am kind of annoyed. We love our land but dislike our house.

    Our dear neighbor (Kelleyp's Mom) has been in the ICU since new year's eve after a series of seizures and strokes.

    So my mind has been everywhere BUT on my garden, and I am afraid to put much more work into it only to have to leave it :( would be nice to leave the root know nematodes behind!!!

    I have about ten million pics of my garden, I'll find a couple more!


  • owiebrain
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    Nice to "see" you again, Jo! I'd sure love to see more of that beautiful garden if you do find more pics.

    Sorry about having to move, though. Ugh. I feel your pain. LOL Still, it'll be nice to build a house just the way you want it, I bet. Will you move far or try for the same neighborhood?


  • Okiedawn OK Zone 7
    13 years ago


    It's good to see you again. I was wondering where you were, but with small children I knew there was a good chance you were just too busy.

    I know it will be hard to leave your beautiful garden, but hopefully y'all will find land to build on that's not root knot nematode infested.

    Please let Kelly know we're thinking of her and hoping for the best for her mom. I imagine they feel like they've been through the wringer these last few weeks. I'm sure you do too since you're so close to them that they're practically family to you.

    As painful as it will be to leave your current place, try to get excited about having the opportunity to start a new garden. Starting over is painful but also can be very fulfilling because you get to use everything you've learned from the current garden to make an even better one at the next place.


  • joellenh
    13 years ago

    Okay you are right Dawn, as usual. I have been fighting Dave tooth and nail and digging my heels in...but it WILL be nice to start over. Nice, and hard.

    First, here is an early progression pic. I get a kick out of how fast I went bananas. My garden is currently TWICE as big as the final progreesion shot 3b

    Kids Helping







    {{gwi:1077091}}'s still growing...Late fall 2010 doubled the size, started laying down cardboard to kill the grass for 2011!




  • owiebrain
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    Jo, you are my hero.


  • susanlynne48
    13 years ago

    How you doin, Joellen? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, those photos of your beautiful little barebottom kids! Heeheehee. We have a new one in our family - darling Charlotte. She is so precious. I call and "talk" to her on the phone. Mommy turns on the speaker phone, and she just squeals and laughs, and tries to eat the phone!

    Your gardens are so lovely! You obviously put a lot of work and love into them, as I'm sure you will with a new one.


  • Okiedawn OK Zone 7
    13 years ago


    It looks just amazing, and the photo of the kids is just priceless. It is clear you have put tons and tons of work into making the garden not only productive but beautiful.

    Is fighting Dave worth the battle in the long run? Just extort from him many promises that you can spend all the money you want on starting over with a new garden. You should be able to "guilt" him into that based on all the work you put into the present one. It is a shame you'll have to leave the grapes and fruit trees and start over with new ones, but if his heart is set on a new house, I don't know how you win that battle, unless.....

    You can talk him into remodeling the present house to suit y'all better. Any chance of that?


  • p_mac
    13 years ago

    Hey Jo Ellen!!! I knew you were out there lurking somewhere, so when Diane asked...I KNEW WHO she was referring just took my old feeble brain about 12 hours to remember! Isn't it amazing how tied we are to our peeps here?

    On moving...ugh...but ya know, it just might be what's supposed to happen. 5 yrs ago, I'd have NEVER imagined I'd have all the space that I have to plant & grow. It's not been without challenges...but I can say (and I'm over 50) that it's been SOOO worth it. If you've got your family and your values behind can create your own Nirvana where-ever you plant your roots..right, Diane?

    I too love, love, love those pics of the babies!!! Those have an almost an "Anne Geddes" quality. Keep us all posted on your progress?

    Happy Gardening!!!!


  • owiebrain
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    Exactly right, Paula! I'm fortunate that I've always been able to focus on the great things no matter where I'm planted.

    Geez. I just wrote out this long, sappy monologue, far too deep for gardening topics. I must be getting soft in my old age. Thank goodness for the backspace key! LOL

    Anyway, if the move comes to be, just keep your eyes forward and focus on the fresh start. Blank slates are fun!
