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Sloooooow Awakening

12 years ago

I don't know that I have ever seen June come with so few blooms but alas we take what we can get. It's kind of like a slow gin fizz...but yesterday was high 70ish and the roses are right around the corner. Abraham Darby is absolutely loaded as we speak :-) But for now, hope you enjoy and thanks for looking............

Nieces B-Day Bouquet from our garden party yesterday. Sensation lilac, Homebush azalea, Snowball viburnum, and Sundance Mexican orange

Clematis that climbs with Joseph's Coat (just now starting to bloom)


Clematis (above Hot Cocoa)

Briotti Horsechestnut

Lyda Rose

Gibraltar azalea

Homebush azalea

Comments (17)

  • the_bustopher z6 MO
    12 years ago

    You have some nice pictures there. That white clematis is particularly eye-catching. Do you happen to know which one it is?

  • serenasyh
    12 years ago

    Hurrrrray!!!! Boxo's El Paradiso garden is BACK! now all I have to do is keep an eagle eye out to make sure that I Stalk the Glorious Abe! next! prowwwwwwl!!!! Hansa and Lyda are sooo enchanting! And oh, the magical clematis is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!

    I have really missed your azaleas too, Boxo! The horse chestnut is brilliantly place in that corner to complement the pineapple of the fountain! Brilliant, Boxo, Brilliant!

    Please be sure to give your niece a huge Birthday hug from me and little Eluane! I'm sure her new Royal Sunset that you planted for her will soon be in its full glory!
    Boxo I still remember your delicious barbecue with the honey glazed, smoked salmon....I am sure you've had a wonderful preparation for your niece as well and that she had the time of her life every year when you have a party for her, Triple :D

    Boxo, when will the water lilies be coming out? I am having an eye out for the beautiful waterfall. Stalker is dancing her HAPPY DANCE! WHOO-HOO! WHOO-HOO!!!!

  • boxofrox
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Whoops, I noticed I did a duplicate, meant for the last one to be.......

    Thanks bustopher, I probably have the name of the white one somewhere. When I re-did all the plantings along that particular fenceline, I raised the planters for the roses because the roof drain runs through there. I planted a new clematis between each rose. The white one was from earlier, had never bloomed and came up through the raised planter of Hot Cocoa so was a very pleasant surprise.

    KG, thank you, you are such a trip :-)

    The BBQ party was very enjoyable but with the house painting and the mess the garden was in from all the bad weather, I am just exhausted and will have to go back to my day job this week just to relax. I spent all day yesterday working on the pond and the rock garden. This week, I'm going to give the roses a special treat called Alpa-Caca. It's a compost made from Alpaca poop. One of the gals from the retirement center gave me a sample so I'm making up a little dessert by adding it to some other ingredients.

  • bluederby21
    12 years ago

    $10 bucks says that the white clematis is a "Henry Clematis" :) What I want to know about though is that Sensation Lilac - WOW it's gorgeous! That would look amazing with some of my rose arrangements! Does anyone know if it grows well in Florida, zone 9B particularly? I read somewhere that many times the lilac disappoints with washed out lavender or white blooming? Does that sometimes happen? Irregardless it's beautiful in your first photo!

  • jim1961 / Central Pennsylvania / Zone 6
    12 years ago

    Very nice there Boxofrox, the flowers/roses look great!!!
    Do not feel bad, our Platinum rose bush still has at least
    2 weeks longer before it starts blooming. Way behind!

  • le_jardin_of_roses
    12 years ago

    It makes it so pleasant to come to this site when you are posting photos of your glorious garden, Boxo. You have many fans on this gallery and you enhance it, in the most exciting way, with your bold color scheme. The only thing missing is a photo of you. That would make it complete. Thanks for sharing, what is a very fine garden.


  • inga007
    12 years ago

    How colorful. Loved you red horse chestnut.
    Saw a yellow one, just a few days ago. Didn't know they existed.

  • newyorkrita
    12 years ago

    What a lovely yard you have. I always enjoy the yard views, not just the coseups so I can see garden views.

    Its been the opposite of slow here. Roses are looking especially great this spring and blooming up a storm.

  • Krista_5NY
    12 years ago

    A lovely collection of roses and flowers, they all look so fresh and colorful.

  • ingrid_vc so. CA zone 9
    12 years ago

    You have such a unique and wonderful garden. I fell head over heels for Hansa since I'm crazy about lavender and purple shades. Will have to admire from afar since rugosas are not happy broiling in the heat. Thank you for the great pictures.


  • canadian_rose
    12 years ago

    I adore your bouquet. Is Scentsation Lilac the purple and white one? Just a beautiful lilac. Never seen one like that before. Striking!!

    Looking good!!


  • boxofrox
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    BD21, if I had to guess, the white would be 'Shirayukihime' due to the different colored stamens than 'Henryi'. Not sure if 'Sensation' would make says some lilacs to the northern reaches of Zone 9.

    Thanks Jim, we just gotta hang in there, we know they'll bloom someday, right?

    Juliet, you are such a sweetie. What makes me smile is when my girls come (nieclings) and they discover something new in the garden they have never seen before :-) Their step grandmother had to take the Access bus to get here and she won't have many left so this one was special.

    inga, that red is a smaller version or I could have never had it here. I chose it to play off my green and red Japanese maples that share the front yard with it.

    Rita, your roses are incredible this year. I was going to post on your thread to tell you so but just got so far behind trying to get everything done. I still remember when you were first envisioning those new beds. As owners to design, we can only hope they turn out how we imagine them, you should be proud ;-)

    Thanks Krista, one thing about things being late, they still know the order of go so they give you time in between to prepare for the next flush. Rhodies and azaleas in particular are a lot of work to deadhead.

    Inga, thank you. I was actually thinking about you because I have some escallonia above my pond that has tried my very last bit of patience and is going to get SPed. Rugosas are used extensively up here for freeway median plantings (low maintenance) and I'm thinking about either a combo of them or maybe some OGRs. When I get a chance I'll post a pic of the spot.

    Carol, that Sensation is really growing on me. It's about 10' tall and is between a pink rhododendron and that pink Homebush I posted a pic of. The fragrance whaffs down to the swing where we sit in the evening with the poms and the cat. This is a pic from last year.....

  • serenasyh
    12 years ago

    Yayyy, I love this added new Azalea photo. It totally GLOWS!!!

    Lol, Boxo your roses are gonna to love that Acapulco-poop. They are gonna be saying ROCK ON, Boxofrox! I can imagine them keeping time with the Breeze, swaying their glorious petals saying YEAH, ROCK ON!!!!! They will be sooo stoked with that extra delicious treat! And Serena will be doing her crazy dance as well once those roses start to ROCK THE HOUSE, HAHAHA!

    Alpacas are so adorable too. In Kansas we got llamas! One of the gardeners at my local nursery brought their pet llama! A pet llama in the heart of Kansas City. I had to laugh at that! Now all we need is a couple of pot-bellied pigs in Kansas City next, lol!

    Oh, no!!! Ingrid are you serious???? Rugosas can't take the heat???? yeeeks!!! We have got 95 degree heat here tomorrow. Once the sun hits we got 92 degrees and up....I was so happy, planning on getting a rugosa after seeing Boxo's, then ?????? :( :( :( I am gonna be one sad camper...

  • serenasyh
    12 years ago

    ooo-oooo, I somehow cross-posted and missed out on this wondrous beauteous photo, WHOO-HOO, WHOO-HOOOOOOO!!!!! I just love that true purple combo (lilac) and the Azalea. I am rockin' down the house already! Or should I say, I am en-Tranced. (I actually don't listen to rock, it's that crazy Trance and House music I listen to) hehe ;-)

    So BEAUTEOUS, I will be drivin' everyone nutsos with my whoo-hoo's!!!!!! Keep those colors rollin' :D

  • kathy9norcal
    12 years ago

    Just incredible photos! I could get lost in that orange azalea. I could almost smell the lilac, too. Slow springs can be nice--they last longer.

  • canadian_rose
    12 years ago

    Gosh - I just love that lilac - wish I could smell it.


  • iris_gal
    12 years ago

    Nowhere grows azaelas like the PNW. Homebush is stunning.

    Usually I see a picture and in person the plant doesn't live up to it. For those interested in Sensation I'm happy to say it's even more gorgeous in person. From someone who only liked the darker lavender ones.

    So good to see your garden Boxofrox.