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HAVE: Ft Worth Autumn Swap!

17 years ago

I thought it would be a good idea to post early so everyone can start thinking about what they'd like to bring, what they'd like for their gardens, get some cuttings started, etc.

Trinity Park

just north of I30 on the east side of University.

Saturday, November 4, starting 10 AM

World's most casual plant swap:

Bring your

surplus plants,



garden art/junk,



Don't forget

pond plants & supplies,



food plants,

tree seedlings,


butterfly garden plants & supplies,


stepping stones,

even mulch/potting soil/vermiculite/perlite...

(I once traded something-or-other for a bag of sheep manure!)

Here are some things that I'll have:

white datura or moonflower (plants & seeds)

golden rain tree


crepe myrtles: most of mine are white, but not for sure.

1 hydrangea

cannas: lemon yellow Conestoga & Canna Indica Indian Shot

Autum Joy Sedum

some other kind of sedum, smaller than AJ & it has a neon-bright pink daisylike flower.

& as always...the famous hot pink four-o'clocks!

Wear baggy comfy clothes, bring a hat, make sure you have something to drink & maybe some ice, something to sit on.

We usually each bring something to share in the way of food, not a big meal, just some things that are easy to fix/bring/serve/eat.

It's a good idea to put your pre-trades in boxes with the recipient's name in big letters.

& watch your stuff:

Although we like to think that we all know each other & that everyone is honest, we can't count on it.

I once lost an entire box of mauve crinums that someone just took & drove off with!

Not only did I feel angry & violated,

but the people to whom I had promised crinums were upset & disappointed.

Both pre-trades & on-site trades are fun:

With a pre-trade, you *know* that you'll get something you want & you *know* that the item you bring will have a home.

With an on-site trade, there's the excitement of surprise/discovery:

I have a bog garden today because Tee gave me some bog plants at a swap!

There are no "rules" as to what is equivalent to what, like "a 1 gallon plant=2 quart plants" etc.

You can trade anything for anything, as long as the other trader agrees.

Comments (120)

  • tina_2
    17 years ago

    I would love a monk's cap plant. Just found this great pic!
    My list is up above here, you should look & see if there's anything you may like. Plmk. Thanks - tina_2

  • mikeandbarb
    17 years ago

    Kay- I will put your name on some spider lilies for you, Do you still have the pink desert rose?
    Tina- I will put you name on one of the ice plants.

  • venessa
    17 years ago

    Well I have some sad news (for me anyway) It doesn't look like I will be able to make the swap because I will have to work. There are no requests off from now untiil after the holidays.

    Sylvia I will get with you soon to give you the roses.

  • fortunegardener
    17 years ago

    I have some Dutch iris if you like; they are either white, blue or yellow.
    Will you have extra pink brug cuttings? I love to have one. I have light peach color cuttings.

    I have these:
    vinca - varigated leaves
    Chinese chive
    single while datura seeds
    dessert willow seedlings - pink flower

    brug cuttings in different colors
    caladium bulbs

    I have many volunteer seedlings that are evergreen and make wonder headges/fence with white flower in the spring. Mine 4 year old plants are 7 feet tall. Let me know if anyone is interested in them.

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago


    The Dutch irises sound wonderful!
    Any colors are fine!

    I have a number of caladiums, & at least one brug (don't know what color it is.)

    Venessa, dang, I'm sorry you have to work.

    Maybe we can have another Starbucks get-together before bad weather sends us all into dormancy, for the pre-arranged swaps between people who can't make the actual swap.

  • debbiedo7
    17 years ago

    OK I am going to try and come to this. Are we supposed to bring our own table to put our stuff on?
    I don't have a lot to bring but really want to come see everything. I'm gonna try to beg & borrow stuff to bring haha
    I am interested in
    Kay's Desrt Rose
    sshuang's Gardenia
    So hopefully I will have something ya'll would want

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Yay, Debbie!

    Yes, a folding table makes it easier.

    There are a couple of picnic tables in the area, but they're not set up for browsing or for storing stuff underneath, & we usually have them full of munchies anyway!

  • tina_2
    17 years ago

    Hey Everyone - I just received some mixed brug cuttings & some night blooming cereus cuttings. If anyone's interested, just email me. Thanks - tina_2

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    just got a request from Crystal, the Master Gardener who hosted the Belton Swap, for these seeds:

    Butterfly weed
    Antelope horns
    Tahoka daisy

    If anyone has any of these, please let me know, & I'll put you & Crystal in touch so you can trade by mail, or I'll be happy to trade something for them.


  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    missed this one, she also would like:


  • mikeandbarb
    17 years ago

    Anyone have red bee balm for trade?

  • tina_2
    17 years ago

    Hi Sylvia - I just dug thru sev. boxes of seeds " didn't realize I had so many>.The only one I found- was the tropical asclepias curassavica / Butterfly weed seeds, the one that draws the beautiful Monarch Butterflies. I grew a large patch of them in 2004 - "I think every seed germinated !>. Watching the Monarchs come for the plants, was incredible "didn't have a back then>, should have taken pics. The butterflies came in droves! Anyway, I bubblewrapped up some seeds for the Mastergardener. Send me her addy & I will mail them out.
    Thanks - tina_2

    Here are pic.s & details for her to see. Hope this helps.

  • mikeandbarb
    17 years ago

    YOYO - Do you remember the pink burg I got last spring, I am giving it away and I thought of you and wanted to give you first dibs on it if you would like it.
    Everyone else ----------A lady I know is asking me if I know anyone looking for some burg cutting's, so if your interested let me know and I'll see what I can do about getting some of these---------they are not for trade--------- they are give away's.

  • seamommy
    17 years ago

    Hi Everyone! I got home from deployment about 2 months ago and don't have very much since DH doesn't collect seeds. He does mow and waters a little so everything was alive when I got home the end of August. But I do have some things that I will be able to bring. If I don't have to work that day, I am planning to be there. I have some hollyhock seeds in mixed colors, and I'm planning to take up some roses too. Not sure which ones yet but will have the names of them attached and will try to provide a good picture if it's not in bloom. If I can't find enough good plants or seeds, I'll bake some bread or sort through my quilting stuff (have ton of that stuff and really need to downsize a little anyway) Mostly, I'm just really looking forward to seeing everyone again and being around all the plants. You can't imagine how dismal it is to live in a country so barren that most plants have to be imported, and planted in imported soil, and watered 2 or 3 times daily, because the imported soil is sitting on top of a continent of solid limestone rock. But enough of my b*tching - I'M HOME!!!!!!!! Hope to see you all soon. Cheryl

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Yay, Cheryl!

    Glad to have you back!

    I know Venessa will be beside herself about the quilting stuff, but she has to work that day.

    Maybe we can have one of our famous Starbucks get-togethers for those who can't make it to the Big Swap.

    I my own self (The Non-Cook, Martha Stewart's Worst Nightmare) would be thrilled to trade for homemade bread.

    In fact, if it's like my Aunt Margaret's homemade bread & it can be frozen, I'd be happy to trade for enough to put in the freezer!

    Please look at my list, & see what you'd like to have.

  • kay75052
    17 years ago

    Sorry, have been really busy so I haven't check the posting.

    Barb, I will mark one of the pink desert rose for you and I would love to have the brug cutting.

    Debbie, I will mark one of you also.

  • mikeandbarb
    17 years ago

    Seamommy, Welcome Home.... Hope your able to make it to the swap.

    Thank you Kay, I will put your name on a burg cutting.

  • tina_2
    17 years ago

    Hey Fellowgardeners - Can anyone describe how to overwinter a brug plant, without a greenhouse. I plan to root cuttings in water & then plant in a pot. How do I, care for the plant in winter? Any, advice appreciated.
    Thank you. tina_2

  • sshuang
    17 years ago

    I sent you an email but have not gotten a reply. I'll bring several yaupon holly plants if you are still interested. How many do you want?

  • sshuang
    17 years ago

    I sent you an email but have not gotten a reply. I picked some luffas but they rotted rather than dried. I can pick some for you and let you dry them. How many Gardenia, Veitchi are you interested in?

  • sshuang
    17 years ago

    I'll bring a Gardenia, Veitchi for you unless you are interested in more than one. Would you happen to have a rosemary or a perennial herb?

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago


    I didn't receive email!

    seems like I've heard that other people have had trouble with gardenweb's email, so maybe we should use our email addresses to communicate directly with each other, just to be sure.

    I am

    I'd love as many yaupons as you can bring.

    I have the wisteria potted & established, please look at my lists & see what else I can bring you.

    I just got some bulbine, looks sort of like an onion plant, but the flowers are gorgeous.

    It's supposedly only winter-hardy in the southern zones of Texas, but I got it from someone who dug it up out of his garden in Waxahachie.

    Yesterday I dug up the crinums for tulipsgal, & I have a number of the mauve ones that came out with the mother bulb.

    Would you like either or both of these types of plant, sshuang?

    I have about 7 or 8 crinums, can get more if need be, but I need to know pretty soon:
    Separating & digging those things is * hard work*!

    I've just used up the last of my pots, even stuck holes in 1 ice cream bucket & 1 plastic pail (like a mop pail) to get the last few things into some soil, so if anybody has extra or stray pots, I'd really appreciate them.

    It's a-gettin' closer, week-end after next, so it's about time to start taping together cardboard boxes & making plant labels & finding folding chairs & thinking about what dish to bring.

    can't wait!

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    ...I could use some bricks or pavers.

    gotta keep digging up that turf & making beds & pathways!

  • tina_2
    17 years ago

    Hi - Sorry. I haven't gotten your email. I would like 2-of the gardenia v., plants please. About the loofahs , they should be picked , only when the stem has turned brown. Then, they should dry out. Let me know. Thank you. Tina_2

  • sshuang
    17 years ago

    I'll save 2 gardenias for you. My luffa stems don't seem to turn brown, even after leaving them on the vine for weeks. I'll see what happens next week with the luffas.

  • fortunegardener
    17 years ago

    I will bring some Dutch Iris plants for you. I like to have your caladium bulbs.
    I sent you an email and asked if you still have brug cuttings.
    See you all there at the swap meet.

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    I'm not getting emails sent throught the gardenweb system.

    Email me direct at & I'll get 'em!

    The brugs aren't cuttings, they're plants in pots.

    I'll bring all both of 'em for you!

  • seamommy
    17 years ago

    GOT THE DAY OFF!!!!! Bringin' bread. Waddaya like, cinnamon, raisin, cranberry, banana, punkin? I have some good recipes for breads and I'm even thinking of taking a day off the day before the swap so I can load up ole' Red with all my junk.

    I'm organizing my quilting stuff and have a lot of books, fabrics, and tools, so if we can arrange something at another time I'm in. But I'm still bringing them on the 4th, Vanessa and I can't be the only ones in this gaggle who are quilters.

    Ohhh, I'm so excited I can't wait for this!!!!!Cheryl

  • venessa
    17 years ago

    Oh Cheryl you are making me cry :O) I can't believe I'm not going to be able to make it. I thought I would be able to drop by in the morning but they scheduled me for all day. I do hope we can all get together for some garden talk some time soon. Hope everyone has a great time and eat some snacks for me :O)

  • tina_2
    17 years ago

    Hi - Sorry, but I have not received either of your emails. You can email me at- , if anything should happen to come up. Sshuang - I thought, the cool weather would have turned the stems brown on the loofahs. A neighbor says, the weather was not cool enough yet. Soon maybe. They won't dry out, til the stems have browned.
    Hi Fortunegardener - I will save you some brug cuttings. I have some red flowering bulbs you can also have ,If you like. Will you save me some of the cute little soapwort plants & several of the dessert willow plants & some oregano plants. Thank you. tina_2

  • tina_2
    17 years ago

    Hi everyone- I was cleaning in my garage & found some extra stuff to bring;

    I have;

    * several garlic bulbs (received from city mastergardener class).

    * several packets- of (Greenlight- 0.4 ounces) root hormone powder.

    * a few packets(Green Thumb) hose couplers? I am lost, in this area.

    * A (one pound) big container/dipel dust/bug dust for garden.

    * A (Jobes) package of 10 -insecticidel spikes.

    * A one gallon Easy Gro Root Stimulator / 5-20-10- liquid.

    All this is extra , I don't need.
    So, ya'll let me know If you can use this stuff.

    Thank you. tina_2

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    I my own self like plain brown bread, but if you just gotta put sumpn in it, cinnamon is my fave!

    You need to look at my list, oops, I'll re-post, this thing has gotten out of hand.

    Anyway, speak up for what you'd like me to bring you.

    There are "rose witches" in this group, people who can clip off a cutting, smile at it, stick it in a bucket, & grow a whole new plant.

    I am not one of them...

    But I have pruners, & baby I know how to use 'em:
    I'll be happy to bring you cuttings.
    Just look at my list & let me know which ones you'd like.

    Man, those roses are going to have some good haircuts this year!

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    I've got down on my list that you have Mexican petunias & bread.

    I'd like the bread, please!

    But I can't find where you've said what you'd like.

    Do you have a wish list?

    I'm fixin' ta...
    well, I might do it tonight, depending on how much I can accomplish before dark...
    post a new list of plants I plan to bring, to find out what I can earmark for people.

    I'll be sure to bring what people have asked for, & then just pack in as much as I have room for.

    So if you reeeealllly want something, please make sure you pipe up!

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Here are some plants that I can bring if they're wanted, or that are already sitting in their pots & need homes:

    blue mist flower:
    If you want some, *please* let me know.
    I'll take 1 pot to the swap anyway but can get as much as anybody can use.
    If you are planting a butterfly garden for a park or school, lemme know.

    4 o'clocks.
    I am the person who posted a photo of a "4 o'clock hedge" on the Gallery.
    See comments about blue mist flower above.

    Chinese tallow trees:
    probably have a dozen.
    They are good for people who need big shade trees fast, with minimal labor/maintenance.

    Century plants:
    a flat of little baby plants.

    Candlestick plants:
    a flat of 'em.

    1 Golden rain tree in probably a 2 gallon pot

    Turk's cap:
    2 plants in 1 pot.
    can take more cuttings.

    chocolate mint:
    1 in pot, can bring more as cuttings.

    ice plant:
    a few little bitty ones that I've just rooted.
    easy easy wonderful bright green succulent type leaves, scattered neon pink flowers through the summer.

    at least a flat of newly rooted babies.
    They'll live on your window sill until you set them out in the shade next spring.
    Each fall, take cuttings & bring inside for the winter.

    a couple of milk-&-wine
    maybe 8 mauve
    I've kept out some for Kay & Tulips_gal.
    Please let me know if I'm missing anyone.

    aspidistra or cast iron plant
    maybe a couple of these.

    shrimp plant:
    a couple of newly-rooted babies.
    Parent plant is just beautifl right now.

    at least 1 or 2 rambling roses, China type with small white flowers.

    maybe purple iris

    a couple of bulbine

  • wildscaper
    17 years ago


    You posted about this:

    "The man who's giving me the blue mist flower needs something *flowering* to go under a pecan tree on the east side of his lot, & Turk's Cap & 4 o'clocks are the only things I can think of that'll flower in the shade, yet not be harmed by winter sun."

    I have a scattering of what I *believe* to be scarlet sage
    growing under a few trees that are surrounded on three sides by house and fence. They get hardly any direct sun at all, and they are the only "pretty" thing that'll grow there.

    I'd be happy to pot up a few to bring along :-)

    I *may* also be able to locate some needlecraft, fabric and yarn stuff, bu tno promises.

    Does anyone else eat chocolate chip cookies?

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    wildscaper, that sounds great!

    &, uh, I think I'm the *only* person around here who loves chocolate chip cookies...

    so be sure to bring a whole bunch!

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    It's too quiet in here, does that mean y'all got all your homework done?

    (Uh-oh, it's true, you really do turn into your mother...)

    I just got a whole bunch of boxes from the grocery store, made some labels, thinking 'bout what food/drinks to bring.

    Remember to bring notebooks:
    Although some plants will be old friends, & some traders will bring printed instructions, gardeners are famous for saying, "Now you just do this & this. Oh, & this. Now will you remember all that?"

    & the recipient always says, "Yes, I'll remember."

    & sometimes we do, but...

  • fortunegardener
    17 years ago


    I like to have one of your blue mist flowers, candle stick plants, shrimp plants and Chinese tallow tree.

    I will save those plants you want.

    Does anyone want oak seedlings? They come up in my garden all the time.

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    fortunegardener, I have your name on:

    BlueMist Flower
    candlestick plant
    Chinese tallow tree
    shrimp plant (it's a little one, but it'll grow)

    & you have Dutch irises for me.


    (BTW, I still have plenty of plants for the actual,physical, real world swap!)

  • remuda1
    17 years ago

    I hope it's not too late to get in on the fun. Things have been kind of hectic so all I will be bringing is seeds. I don't really have any specific wants but will be happy to gift the seeds to anyone who would like them.

    I have:

    Pink cosmos
    Green Thread
    Black Fountain grass
    Purple Fountain grass
    Pink Rock Rose
    Lady In Red Salvia
    Common Vitex (collected at roadside)
    Unknown purple flower (found at roadside)
    Yellow double flower marigold

    I thought the unknown purple flower was a wildflower, but I have been unable to identify it on the wildflower sites so it's probably something really common that everyone will know except me. I DO know that it's beautiful and was in full bloom when everything else was crispy brown with the drought. It was on the side of the road next to a pasture so it received no supplemental watering. I am going to bring the stems that I harvested the seeds from in hopes one of you might be able to identify it for me.

    PJ, you might like the Green Thread. It's a native and is a primary food for a beautiful bird called the painted bunting.

    Looking forward to seeing you all,

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Glad you can come, Kristi!

    Might the purple flower be spiderwort?

    Fortunegardener wanted some of that.

    I'm getting stuff sorted, watered, boxed, etc.

    Can't wait to see everybody!

  • wildscaper
    17 years ago

    I just wanted to post and let folks know that it looks doubtful that I'll be able to come :-(

    My kids both appear to be coming down with something. The 6 yr old just threw up, and the 4 year old has been "off" all day.

    I'm not a big fan of pukey kids in cars. Especially not for over an hour at a stretch.

    Not much chance of me getting to go it alone, either, unfortunately. So unless they both wake up refreshed, renewed, and stunningly recovered, I won't be going anywhere.

    And it's my stinkin' birthday, too. Bah. Oh well.
    I hope no one's gone to too much trouble for stuff I was looking for, and please feel free to release anything that you thought I would be showing up to collect to anyone else that's interested. If by some miracle I do make it, I won't hold it against anyone, but I'd hate for the effort to be wasted if I can't make it.

    Have fun, and I'm still keeping my fingers crossed!

  • mikeandbarb
    17 years ago

    AWWW, Wildscaper poor babies I hope they are better it's no fun being sick. It would be nice if you could come but everyone understand's if your kid's are sick they come first.
    Hope you have a wonderful Birthday.

  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Well, we did miss the ones who couldn't make it, but...

    it was a blast!

    Lots of us "old reliables" & quite a number of new faces, including 2 mother/daughter duos & a couple of next-door neighbors.

    & for a minute there I thought Barb had brought both her husband & her boyfriend!
    (turned out to be her granddaughter's dad).

    The plants were beautiful, the food was great, & the company was fabulous.

    Thanks to all!

  • debbiedo7
    17 years ago

    This was my first swap ever. I dragged along my next door neighbor, Donna with me & we had a blast!! Thanks to all the friendly people. The trades were great I came home with brugs, gardenias, chocolate mint, a desert rose, a water umbrella plant (which I was told could also be grown in soil - yea cause I don't have a pond & it is the neatest thing.) I also got a new coleus, some iris bulbs, pots & a huge Peace Lilly plant. I know there is more but I can't remember right now.
    Looking forward to the Spring Swap.

    I'm sorry I couldn't print out the info on my swaps. I can send you a couple pictures of what I traded.

    Silver Pink Hoya Publicalyx


    Burros Tail


    Easter Egg plant tree



  • mikeandbarb
    17 years ago

    Oh my gosh Sylvia HAHAHAHA, both of the guy's with me are my son's, Well the one with the kids is my ex son in law but he's still our family and always will be.
    My poor son is being called my husband a lot, everywhere we go and he get's so embarrassed, he might stop going anywhere with me, then this mommy would be very sad.
    I had a great time as always everyone was great and the plants are great too.
    Missed all that didn't get to make but you guy's need to make sure to try and make it next the time.

  • remuda1
    17 years ago

    Thanks again Sylvia, for a fun swap. Really enjoyed seeing those I met at the spring swap again and it's always fun to meet new people and make friends. I came home with some nice things and I hope that everyone has good success with the seeds I brought.

    By the way, Cheryl, I looked up Iron weed and this isn't it. This flower is much deeper wine colored purple and the tops look like a rich, lush velvet.

    Anyway, nice to meet everyone and look forward to seeing you again in the spring or sooner :).


  • sylviatexas1
    Original Author
    17 years ago



    You know.

    I just thought you liked 'em young....

  • seamommy
    17 years ago

    Great Swap, I came away feeling like a bandit. Next swap, I promise I will have a ton of things for everyone. Being out of the country for a whole year really took its toll on me and my garden. My mother said she had a load of fun too, everyone was so nice to her. Now she can't wait for the Spring swap!

    Sylvia, it was great. I know you did a lot to make it all come together, your contributions put us all to shame, and I know everyone of us really appreciates it. Let me help you next time; come Spring I will have a lot more spare time for activities like this. I am retired from the Navy Reserve now and only have one full time job. First time in 27 years I have my weekends to play. Yahoooo!!


  • seamommy
    17 years ago

    Remuda1, well I'd like to find out what it is, because it was beautiful, and looks a lot like Ironweed. Let me know what you find out. I have a book of Texas native wildflowers and it may be in there. Cheryl

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