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Covering a 30' x 7' high chain link fence

10 years ago

Hey There,

I'm looking for a vine (with or without pretty flowers) that will cover the hideous 30' x 7' high chain link fence.

No dark fruits. Birds will poop dark on my new deck.
Nothing that will grow on my new lawn. must cover the chain link fence...not the ground :)

want it to be lush and not sparse. So let me know if I need multiple to create a lush effect or if two will do (cause they're so fast growing)

Need something that will cover lol.

We bought a purple flower clamitis, 5 of them, planted them and they suck. Everyone recommended them cause "they're perfect for chain link and they're fast". No they're not.

My neighbour has these vines growing over the wood fence and we really like the lushness of them

Notice how you can see the purple flower clamitis? It's really too bad cause the flowers were huge and beautiful.

Comments (9)

  • Tuija
    10 years ago

    You live in Canada, rigth? What about Parthenocissus? In my country (Finland) they cover enything and they are very hardy. Look at the pics at google.

  • lawnsanity
    Original Author
    10 years ago

    Hi thanks for the reply sorry I forgot to mention that I live in Toronto Canada

    I like the vine but I cannot use it because it has blueberries. The birds will eat them and crap all over the deck and stain it

    Thanks anyways though

  • Tiffany, purpleinopp Z8b Opp, AL
    10 years ago

    your link Looks like some kind of Parthenocissus and some kind of wild grape on the wood fence.

    What's wrong with your Clematis? I didn't see any. They can take a few years to get going well.

    If you use a vine that develops a thick, woody trunk, it can ruin and become enmeshed in the fence. This is one reason most Clematis are beloved as a fence vine. One other issue with vines on fences is the dead debris. When frost kills the foliage, there's a tangle of actually dead vines (if annual) and just dead-looking vines if perennial.

    You could put some morning glory, moonflower vine seeds there next year.

    Sweet potato vine would likely be killed by winter where you are, but grows vigorously enough to cover a fence over the course of a summer. Start with a few plants and keep trimming them, sticking the cut pieces in the soil. They take root in days when it's warm. Comes in several leaf colors, no flowers to make bird-poo-seeds.

    It's a little late to get started with these things for this year. What about a few pots as a distraction/nicer focal point? You could hang baskets on the fence, or sit pots on the ground (which would also give you a nice spot with nothing growing there to add a new plant next year. The pot will kill whatever is growing under it.)

  • lawnsanity
    Original Author
    10 years ago

    I appreciate the pots idea but I want to focus my efforts on the vines.

    The fact that you couldn't see the clamits proves my point haha. it was way too slow and is this little thin dinky thing lol.

    For trimming and planting the trimmings in the ground, is that just for the sweet potato vine or for the morning glory as well?

    Also, I really like the morning glory and the moonflower vine. Out of the three you mentioned which will provide lush coverage the fastest?

    Hmmm.....what about bamboo? That's cool right? Wonder if it may look weird in the current ecosystem back there.

  • Tiffany, purpleinopp Z8b Opp, AL
    10 years ago

    Sweet potato, morning glory, moonflower are all Ipomoea, so multiplying your vines with cuttings would work for any of these. With the extra wait since morning glory and moonflower are usually started from seeds, the sweet potato can give some quicker results because it is usually bought already growing. No reason to not have all 3 kinds if you like.

    Like any vine, their tendency will be to grow straight up and leave naked space below. If you give them a little guidance when you think about it, you can direct vines sideways for more coverage of the fence. Once they have some length, more than a few leaves, pinch off the growing tips to inspire side shoots to form. Occasionally pieces of vine may droop out toward the yard. Tuck those back into the fence, as low as they will go, to keep the coverage as solid as possible from top to bottom.

    The Clematis should be back next year, hopefully ready to do a little more growing but your disappointment this year is understandable. Everyone wants instant results!

    Bamboo - something like concrete or metal going deeply into the ground would be needed as a barrier to keep it from taking over your lawn.

    When you're tossing morning glory and/or moonflower (should you decide to use either,) there's no reason not to toss other flower seeds, something more to help cover the bottoms of the vines and fence. Just keep an eye at first to guide the vines up the fence instead of the other plants.

    If you put some landscape timbers or other kind of border separating other plants from lawn, it will be easy to keep tidy and trim against. If placed slightly sunk, the mower tires can run along the border to eliminate trimming an edge.

  • gardengal48 (PNW Z8/9)
    10 years ago

    Annual vines grow fast - perennial vines do not. If you want something that is permanent or comes back year after year, you have to wait for it. The growth is not instantaneous :-)

    Clematis ARE excellent choices for a chain link fence but like most vines, take 3-5 years to become well established. And most do require some pruning annually as well. Otherwise, look at wisteria, honeysuckle or trumpet vine. These will also take time to establish......that's just a fact of gardening life. If you need a more permanent coverage faster, look at shrubs.

  • lawnsanity
    Original Author
    10 years ago

    The wisteria is a bit too much for us :) very pretty though.

    I have looked a bunch of shrubs and realize I just do not like the coniferous look. Everything in the back is deciduous and we just planted a Shademaster honeylocust tree, so I like that more tropical green look.

    I ended up buying a boston Ivy but am returning it tomorrow as there are little grapes on it and I do not want any fruit. Too bad though cause this vine grows very rapid I have been told.

    I guess I will be looking at planting annuals every year $$$. Probably leave the 5 calmatis' in the ground and plant morning glories and moonflower vines every spring

    Could I plant those two now? They don't have the plants at the nursery so I would have to use seed....or is it too late?

  • Tiffany, purpleinopp Z8b Opp, AL
    10 years ago

    Too late in Canada? IDK. Morning glory seeds are sprouting like crazy at this time here. One way to find out. Zinnias only take about 6 weeks from seed to flower, if those interest you and you can find some seeds. They're not vines but can get 3-4 feet tall, pretty flowers.

  • gamekeeper
    10 years ago

    sILVERLACE VINE WILL DO THE JOB QUICKLY.I put it on the utility poles by our house and they look great now.